Alerter Configuration - Supergiovane/node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate GitHub Wiki
With the Alerter node you can signal to a display or to the node-red-contrib-tts-ultimate node (audio feedback) if the selected devices are alerted, i.e. they have payload true.
The node issues messages at specified intervals (one message at a time) containing the details of each alerted device. For example, the node can tell you how many and which windows are open.
The node receives the values of the devices directly from the KNX BUS. Furthermore, you can send personalized messages to the node, not linked to KNX devices.
The example page explains how to use the node.
- Gateway
KNX gateway selected. It is also possible not to select any gateway; in this case, only incoming messages to the node will be considered.
- Name
Node name.
- Alerting cycle start type
Here you can select the event that will skip the start of sending messages from alerted devices.
- Interval between each MSG (in seconds)
Interval between each outgoing message from the node.
Here you can add devices to monitor.
Enter the device name or its group address.
- Read value of each device on connection/reconnect
On connection/reconnection, the node will send a 'read' request each device belonging to the list.
- ADD button
Add a row to the list.
- Device's rows
The first field is the group address (but you can also enter any text, which you can use with inbound messages, see the example page), the second is the device name (MAX 14 CHARS), the third is the long device name.
- DELETE button
Removes a device from the list.
PIN1: The node emits a message for each alerted device, at selectable intervals.
PIN2: The node emits a unique message containing all alerted devices.
PIN3: The node emits a message containing only the last alerted device.
msg = {
"count":3, // TOTAL number of alerted devices
"devicename":"Bedroom window",
"longdevicename":"Bedroom main window",
msg = {
"topic":"door, 0/0/11, 0/1/2, 0/0/9",
"devicename":"Main Door, Applique soggiorno, Applique taverna, Luce studio",
"longdevicename":"Main entry Door, Applique sinistra soggiorno, Applique destra taverna, Luce soffitto studio",
msg = {
"count":3, // TOTAL number of alerted devices
"devicename":"Bedroom window",
"longdevicename":"Bedroom main window",
Outgoing message when all devices are at rest
msg = {
msg.readstatus = true
Read the value of each device belonging to the list.
msg.start = true
The sending cycle of all alerted devices begins. The cycle ends with the last alerted device. To repeat the cycle, send this inbound message again.
Custom device alert
To update the true/false value of a custom device, you can send this inbound message
msg = {
"payload":true // Or false to reset the alert for this device