Non functional requirements - SuperTurban/ekm_mobiilposm2ng GitHub Wiki
Web application
If the administrator sends an email to a user in the web application, the email should be delivered in less than 10 seconds.Admin sees the emails in the leaderboard and can choose to send email through the app or using a personal email account.- The web application should support Google Chrome version 50 or newer version.
- The web application should support screen resolutions from 1280x720 to 2560x1440.
Mobile application
- The mobile application should support Android 4.0 (API level 14) and newer version.
- The game leaderboard is updated in less than 10 seconds when there are new maximum scores in the database.
- The mobile application supports Estonian language.
Game player should be able to visually distinguish between different game destination points on map and whether they are close to one or not.The client does not require the points to be distinguishable but there is an option to create pins with different colour that client can choose while making/changing a game.
Testing the requirements
Web application
2.1 Tested with Google Chrome 50.0.2661.75 and works well
2.2 Tested with Google Chrome 48.0.2564.97 and works well
2.3 Tested with Google Chrome 63.0.3239.84 and works well
3.1 Tested with resolution 1280x768 and works well
3.2 Tested with resolution 2560x1440 and works well
Mobile app
- Android Studio doesn't let users create Android 4.0 device but 4.4.2 was tested. Tested on Android 7.0 and 8.0 as well
- Leaderboard is updated but has some bugs.
- App is in Estonian
Load tests
Screenshotid on tehtud peale päringute jooksutamist tulemustabelist. Tehtud 3 päringu kohta. Nagu näha, ei ole oodata serveri töö kokku jooksmist 100 äpi kasutaja puhul. Perioodiks, millal kõik kasutajat tegevust alustavad, valisime 10 sekundit.
Päring mängu punktide pärimiseks. Threadide arv 100.
Päring kasutajate mängude pärimiseks. Threadide arv 100.
Päring punkti sisestamiseks. Threadide arv 10 (kuna veebirakendusel ei ole palju kasutajaid eeldatavasti).