FAQ - SuperMedic/WME-AutoUR GitHub Wiki

Recently there has been a significant uninformed discussion about this script and all UR responding scripts in general. I'd like to quell some of the rumors and lack of research.

First lets discuss the UR process.

  • Click on UR
  • Zoom to acceptable level to understand the driver vs waze routes
  • Assess the issue and determine the best course of action
  • If unable to determine the problem send message to the reporter

The bold bullets above are going to partially automated. The Editor still has COMPLETE control over the UR process. This script is just to allow them to spend less time scrolling, clicking, zooming, coping, and pasting.

  • AutoUR mass responds to all URs.
    • AutoUR only cuts out a few steps of the process saving the editor time and allowing more URs to be completed in less time.
  • AutoUR will perpetuate the trend of Editors closing URs for points/edits.
    • AutoUR does NOT close URs, so the Editor is required to still click the Solved/NI button and save. If an editor chooses to close URs without regard to their content and completion, only mentoring by AMs, SMs, RC, Champs and other editors will change their behavior.
  • AutoUR promotes users to not look at URs and just respond
    • AutoUR brings more URs to the Editors attention quicker and more easily that traditional methods of clicking and scrolling.
    • There is a current trend of URs that are 30,60,90,120 days old with NO responses. This trend should lessen if it was easier and took less time to view and manage URs
  • AutoUR is a "one button" solution.
    • AutoUR in fact has many buttons. Next, Previous, Solve, NI, Get All IDs.
      • Next - Moves to next UR in queue of on screen URs (that meet filters when implemented)
      • Previous - Moves to previous UR in queue of on screen URs (that meet filters when implemented)
      • Solve - (when implemented) Will mark UR solved and send message
      • NI - (when implemented) Will mark UR Not Identified and send message
      • Get IDs - Gets a list of URs on screen (that meet filters when implemented)
    • None of the buttons automate anything but 1-2 clicks of the Editor.
  1. If you dont have a GitHub account, and have input/want to beta test, you should should get a GitHub account.
  • Until then the remainder does not apply to you...
  1. Please add any comments or issues to the issues page
  2. Please review the code if your so inclined.
  3. If reviewing the code and you have input please see #2