Industry - faster unit building, more trade output, happier populace.
Diplo-trade - better trade efficiency, longer trade agreements, more consecutive agreements, more merchants.
Send merchants to compete for shares in a center of trade.
Each month your merchants will compete for a share based on trade efficiency.
You gain money per share based on the center of trades product amount.
Spheres of influence are obtainable based on your max sphere limit
Your relations to a nation is what determines if they will accept
Spheres give you money (% based on diplo-trade) and will be your allies in war.
Spheres can not have spheres of their own, a person with a sphere can not be made a sphere.
Battle for a sphere of influence happens through diplomats, where you try to break down the influence of the major players and gain the most influence with a nation to make then join your sphere.
As of February 10, 2014 this feature has been defined as Optional.