Deployment guide for rails - SumitBisht/checklist_and_guides GitHub Wiki

Step by Step Deployment for Rails 3 with Capistrano Nginx/Unicorn Environment

this is a step-by-step deployment guide for rails 3 with capistrano, to set a nginx/unicorn/postgresql environment according to the railscast episodes by Ryan Bates, and

Production Stack

  • ubuntu 10.04
  • nginx
  • unicorn
  • postgres
  • rbenv
  • linode vps

Global Variables

  • $USER : the linux server user to deploy the app (with sudo privileges)
  • $RUBY_VERSION : the ruby version to use (ex: 1.9.2-p290)
  • $GIT_REPO : the github address of the project (ex: [email protected]:fespinoz/perorg)
  • $APP_NAME : the app name (ex: "personal_organizer")
  • $DEPLOY_PATH : the basic root path to deploy (ex: "/home/#{user}/apps/#{application}")
  • $SERVER : the IP address or public dns of the server (ex: "" or "")
  • $GIT_BRANCH : the git branch to deploy (ex: "master")


  1. Check VPS (ex Linode)

    • purchase linode
    • rebuild
      • select ubuntu 10.04
      • set root password
    • view remote access
  2. Create deployer user (ubuntu user also works fine)

    Add $USER user, only if needed, the user ubuntu works just fine

     adduser $USER --ingroup admin
  3. Configure easy access to server

    3.1 To enter the server without password, ssh setup

     cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh $USER@$SERVER 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

    3.2 enable capistrano's forward_agent option to use local ssh keys to deploy from github

     ssh-add # -K on Mac OS X
  4. SetUp Git

     mate .gitignore # add config/database.yml
     cp config/database.yml config/database.example.yml
     git init
     git add .
     git commit -m "initial commit"
     git remote add origin $GIT_REPO
     git push
  5. Installing and Setting Up Capistrano and Unicorn

    5.1 add capistrano and unicorn gems

    5.2 generating capistrano, unicorn and nginx config files

     	capify .

    5.2.1 copy the deploy.rb file and the recipes folder to your config/

    5.3 check configurations and set variables

     * deploy file
     * recipy files
    • Capfile (and uncomment the assets section) 5.4 commit deploy changes

      git add . git commit -m "deployment configs"

  6. Install dependencies

    6.1 install git

     sudo apt-get install git-core

    6.2 Get to know

     ssh [email protected]

    6.3 Then install dependencies with the capistrano recipes

     cap deploy:install
  7. Launch deployment Setup

     cap deploy:setup # it will ask for the $USER password
  8. Edit config files in $DEPLOY_PATH/shared

  9. Deploying for the very first time

     cap deploy:cold
  10. Extra Installation

    EX. Postfix if you want to send emails within your app

    * apt-get -y install telnet postfix