Running PPP on Eng274 02 - SultanMu/PPP GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the PPP wiki! To run it please follows the following steps
- Run Matlab
- Add SOM (\m7sultan\MATLAB\SOM) to path, then add PPP (\m7sultan\MATLAB\PPP\ folder to path (using add path on the gui, or command line addpath ('file location');) The scoping rules for Matlab are, the top on the path is read first, and then the toolboxes, and all have to be on the path. So keep the PPP at the top, above SOM
- on Matlab command prompt run the command btsvq_gui_04
- this will open a gui, from the gui select File -> Open -> select the .mat files from native explorer window then select the example.mat, it ill generate few warning just press ok
- press PLOT button on the gui to see the plot of the data
- From the gui do some normalization, lets say log (do it few times) (after you select a normalization from dropdown, press **ok button **on the right) it will auto plot after each normalization
- Press the Columns button to cluster columns
- Press the Partititive kmenas button make sure that the folder you started Matlab from, you have write permissions on it, as pressing this button will create a folder with the current time stamp and put the results there. You can change the current folder from within Matlab all system commands are run with ! prefix in Matlab
- To run PPP, select the Partitive K Means drop down from the gui, then select the last on list Partitive kmeans Supervised This will create another folder with the ppp results, notice it will run few VQ's on the Matlab command window and then plot the score at the end.