Sandy seedbox (Item) - Suiticals/Suity-Bot GitHub Wiki
- This item can be traded on the Grand Exchange.
- This item can be sold to the Shop for the following:
- Coins: 1
- Corrupted worker kills (regular loot)
- Corrupted scorpion kills (regular loot)
- Corrupted scarab kills (regular loot)
- Corrupted lizard kills (regular loot)
- Corrupted kalphite kills (regular loot)
- Corrupted dust devil kills (regular loot)
- Mummy kills (regular loot)
- Salawa akh kills (regular loot)
- Corrupted pit scabarite kills (regular loot)
- Feline akh kills (regular loot)
- Scarab akh kills (regular loot)
- Crocodile akh kills (regular loot)
- Gorilla akh kills (regular loot)
- Umbral akh kills (regular loot)
- Imperial warrior akh kills (regular loot)
- Genie kills (regular loot)
- Grand menaphite gift offering lootbox.
- Menaphite gift offering lootbox.
- Sandy seedbox sold in the Shop for 1 x Menaphos reputation + 400 x Coins
This item is a lootbox and can be rolled using the .use
This item provides 1 rolls for the Sandy seedbox lootbox.
- Cactus seed: 1 (12.5%)
- Cedarwood seed: 1 (12.5%)
- Potato cactus seed: 1 (12.5%)
- Prickly pear seed: 1 (12.5%)
- Hydrated cacti seed: 1 (12.5%)
- Aloe seed: 1 (12.5%)
- Black mushroom spore: 1 (12.5%)
- Palm seed: 1 (12.5%)