Roe (Item) - Suiticals/Suity-Bot GitHub Wiki
Item level: 41
- This item can be traded on the Grand Exchange.
- This item can be sold to the Shop for the following:
- Coins: 1
Time: 3 seconds
- Cooking: 2
- Roe: 1
Recipe Requirements
- Cooking: 41
- Otto's fishing training research completed.
- Super ranching potion recipe
- Super firemaking potion recipe
- Super cooking potion recipe
- Super crafting potion recipe
- Super farming potion recipe
- Super construction potion recipe
- Super fletching potion recipe
- Super agility potion recipe
- Super smithing potion recipe
- Super runecrafting potion recipe
- Super slayer potion recipe
- Super prayer potion recipe
- Super enchanting potion recipe
- Super herblore potion recipe
- Super melee potion recipe
- Super defence potion recipe
- Super ranged potion recipe
- Super magic potion recipe
- Super thieving potion recipe
- Super invention potion recipe
- Super hunter potion recipe
- Super fishing potion recipe
- Super woodcutting potion recipe
- Super mining potion recipe
- Super overkill potion recipe
- Super antifire potion recipe
- Super zeal potion recipe
- Super combat potion set recipe
- Super gathering potion set recipe
- Super artisan potion set recipe
- Super naturalist potion set recipe
- Super survivalist potion set recipe
This item can be disassembled into components using .disassemble
- Chance of receiving junk: 54%
- Component rolls per disassemble: 2
Common Roll
There is a 60% chance to roll a random component from the following:
Uncommon Roll
There is a 30% chance to roll a random component from the following:
Rare Roll
There is a 10% chance to roll a random component from the following: