Ranching (Skill) - Suiticals/Suity-Bot GitHub Wiki




Level Item Experience Time (s) XP/h Ingredients
1 Brown bunny 200 0 Brown rabbit: 2 Seedy mush: 1
1 Brown rabbit 20.0 200 360 Brown bunny: 1 Seedy mush: 1
3 Rellekkan cream bunny 200 0 Rellekkan cream rabbit: 2 Seedy mush: 1
3 Rellekkan cream rabbit 20.0 200 360 Rellekkan cream bunny: 1 Seedy mush: 1
5 Piscatorian cottontail bunny 200 0 Piscatorian cottontail rabbit: 2 Seedy mush: 1
5 Piscatorian cottontail rabbit 20.0 200 360 Piscatorian cottontail bunny: 1 Seedy mush: 1
7 Jackalope 40.0 200 720 Baby Jackalope: 1 Seedy mush: 1
9 White chicken egg 1650 0 White chicken: 2 Seedy mush: 3
9 White chicken 250.0 1650 545 White chicken egg: 1 Seedy mush: 3
11 Bandosian bantam chicken egg 1650 0 Bandosian bantam chicken: 2 Seedy mush: 3
11 Bandosian bantam chicken 250.0 1650 545 Bandosian bantam chicken egg: 1 Seedy mush: 3
13 Varrockian red chicken egg 1650 0 Varrockian red chicken: 2 Seedy mush: 3
13 Varrockian red chicken 250.0 1650 545 Varrockian red chicken egg: 1 Seedy mush: 3
15 Oomlie chicken egg 1650 0 Oomlie chicken: 2 Seedy mush: 3
15 Oomlie chicken 250.0 1650 545 Oomlie chicken egg: 1 Seedy mush: 3
15 Grown tiger prawn 25.0 150 600 Tiger prawn: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 5
18 Lizard chicken 350.0 1650 763 Lizard chicken egg: 1 Seedy mush: 3
21 White lamb 3500 0 White sheep: 2 Fruity mush: 5
21 White sheep 800.0 3500 822 White lamb: 1 Fruity mush: 5
25 Black lamb 3500 0 Black sheep: 2 Fruity mush: 5
25 Black sheep 800.0 3500 822 Black lamb: 1 Fruity mush: 5
25 Grown great wolffish 30.0 150 720 Great wolffish: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 5
27 Summerdown lamb 3500 0 Summerdown sheep: 2 Fruity mush: 5
27 Summerdown sheep 800.0 3500 822 Summerdown lamb: 1 Fruity mush: 5
29 Springsheared lamb 3500 0 Springsheared sheep: 2 Fruity mush: 5
29 Springsheared sheep 800.0 3500 822 Springsheared lamb: 1 Fruity mush: 5
31 Winterwold lamb 3500 0 Winterwold sheep: 2 Fruity mush: 5
31 Winterwold sheep 800.0 3500 822 Winterwold lamb: 1 Fruity mush: 5
33 Fallfaced lamb 3500 0 Fallfaced sheep: 2 Fruity mush: 5
33 Fallfaced sheep 800.0 3500 822 Fallfaced lamb: 1 Fruity mush: 5
35 Grown bluefin tuna 35.0 150 840 Bluefin tuna: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 6
36 Golden sheep 1,000.0 3500 1,028 Golden lamb: 1 Fruity mush: 5
40 Kandarin calf 9500 0 Kandarin cow: 2 Veggie mush: 10
40 Kandarin cow 2,800.0 9500 1,061 Kandarin calf: 1 Veggie mush: 10 Bucket: 9
42 Chocolate calf 9500 0 Chocolate cow: 2 Veggie mush: 10
42 Chocolate cow 2,800.0 9500 1,061 Chocolate calf: 1 Veggie mush: 10 Bucket: 15
44 Strawberry calf 9500 0 Strawberry cow: 2 Veggie mush: 10
44 Strawberry cow 2,800.0 9500 1,061 Strawberry calf: 1 Veggie mush: 10 Bucket: 15
45 Grown white lobster 40.0 150 960 White lobster: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 6
46 Vanilla calf 9500 0 Vanilla cow: 2 Veggie mush: 10
46 Vanilla cow 2,800.0 9500 1,061 Vanilla calf: 1 Veggie mush: 10 Bucket: 15
48 Harlequin cow 3,250.0 9500 1,231 Harlequin calf: 1 Veggie mush: 10 Bucket: 15
51 Fremennik calf 12000 0 Fremennik yak: 2 Flowery mush: 20
51 Fremennik yak 7,000.0 12000 2,100 Fremennik calf: 1 Flowery mush: 20 Bucket: 20
53 Spirit calf 12000 0 Spirit yak: 2 Flowery mush: 20
53 Spirit yak 7,000.0 12000 2,100 Spirit calf: 1 Flowery mush: 20
55 Grown opah 45.0 150 1,080 Opah: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 7
55 Sacred yak 8,500.0 12000 2,550 Sacred calf: 1 Flowery mush: 20
55 Green dragon egg 30000 0 Green dragon: 2 Fishy mush: 30
55 Green dragon 16,000.0 30000 1,920 Green dragon egg: 1 Fishy mush: 30
57 Baby gloomshroom zygomite 15000 0 Gloomshroom zygomite: 2 Mushy mush: 25
57 Gloomshroom zygomite 5,000.0 15000 1,200 Baby gloomshroom zygomite: 1 Mushy mush: 25
60 Blue dragon egg 30000 0 Blue dragon: 2 Fishy mush: 30
60 Blue dragon 17,000.0 30000 2,040 Blue dragon egg: 1 Fishy mush: 30
61 Lion cub 20000 0 Lion: 2 Meaty mush: 40
61 Lion 8,500.0 20000 1,530 Lion cub: 1 Meaty mush: 40
63 Baby Zanarian zygomite 15000 0 Zanarian zygomite: 2 Mushy mush: 25
63 Zanarian zygomite 5,000.0 15000 1,200 Baby Zanarian zygomite: 1 Mushy mush: 25
64 Jaguar cub 20000 0 Jaguar: 2 Meaty mush: 40
64 Jaguar 9,000.0 20000 1,620 Jaguar cub: 1 Meaty mush: 40
65 Grown oarfish 50.0 150 1,200 Oarfish: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 7
65 Red dragon egg 30000 0 Red dragon: 2 Fishy mush: 30
65 Red dragon 18,000.0 30000 2,160 Red dragon egg: 1 Fishy mush: 30
65 Tiger cub 20000 0 Tiger: 2 Meaty mush: 40
65 Tiger 9,500.0 20000 1,710 Tiger cub: 1 Meaty mush: 40
66 Baby daemoncap zygomite 15000 0 Daemoncap zygomite: 2 Mushy mush: 25
66 Daemoncap zygomite 5,000.0 15000 1,200 Baby daemoncap zygomite: 1 Mushy mush: 25
67 Panther cub 20000 0 Panther: 2 Meaty mush: 40
67 Panther 10,000.0 20000 1,800 Panther cub: 1 Meaty mush: 40
69 Cheetah cub 20000 0 Cheetah: 2 Meaty mush: 40
69 Cheetah 11,000.0 20000 1,980 Cheetah cub: 1 Meaty mush: 40
70 Black dragon egg 30000 0 Black dragon: 2 Fishy mush: 30
70 Black dragon 19,000.0 30000 2,280 Black dragon egg: 1 Fishy mush: 30
70 Candied honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Apple: 1
70 Nutritious honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Banana: 1
70 Runny honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Orange: 1
70 Delicious honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Curry leaf: 1
70 Fertile honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Strawberry: 1
70 Dense honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Papaya: 1
70 Moreish honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Onion: 1
70 Medicinal honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Tomato: 1
70 Sweet honeycomb 1.0 1 3,600 Coins: 10 Sweetcorn: 1
71 Baby arcspore zygomite 15000 0 Arcspore zygomite: 2 Mushy mush: 25
71 Arcspore zygomite 5,000.0 15000 1,200 Baby arcspore zygomite: 1 Mushy mush: 25
71 Snow leopard 13,330.0 20000 2,399 Snow leopard cub: 1 Meaty mush: 40
72 Magical zygomite 6,500.0 15000 1,560 Baby magical zygomite: 1 Mushy mush: 25
75 Grown scarlet sturgeon 55.0 150 1,320 Scarlet sturgeon: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 8
75 Shimmering honeycomb 50.0 300 600 Coconut: 100 Cedar oil: 100 Black mushroom: 100 Flax: 100 Fruity mush: 100
80 Royal dragon 30,000.0 35000 3,085 Royal dragon egg: 1 Fishy mush: 30
85 Grown gouramis 60.0 150 1,440 Gouramis: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 8


Research SkillRequirements
The Great Gats-Bee 70
Bigger fish to fry 50


Buff Effect
Naturalist overload Ranching level boost: 12 Farming level boost: 12 Runecrafting level boost: 12 Enchanting level boost: 12 Herblore level boost: 12 Ranching speed: 120% Farming speed: 120% Runecrafting speed: 120% Enchanting speed: 120% Herblore speed: 120%
Ranching potion Ranching level boost: 3 Ranching speed: 20%
Super ranching potion Ranching level boost: 5 Ranching speed: 40%
Extreme ranching potion Ranching level boost: 10 Ranching speed: 80%
Strawberry daiquiri Ranching bonus experience: 20% Ranching speed: 20%