Pond (Plot) - Suiticals/Suity-Bot GitHub Wiki



Additional Plots

Every requirement in the following list will add one plot to the maximum number of production orders you can have simultaneously.

Plot Contents

The following recipes use the Pond plot:

Recipe Ingredients Requirements
Grown tiger prawn Tiger prawn: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 5 Ranching: 1510 collections completed.
Grown great wolffish Great wolffish: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 5 Ranching: 2520 collections completed.
Grown bluefin tuna Bluefin tuna: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 6 Ranching: 3530 collections completed.
Grown white lobster White lobster: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 6 Ranching: 4540 collections completed.
Grown opah Opah: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 7 Ranching: 5550 collections completed.
Grown oarfish Oarfish: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 7 Ranching: 6560 collections completed.
Grown scarlet sturgeon Scarlet sturgeon: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 8 Ranching: 7570 collections completed.
Grown gouramis Gouramis: 1 Hydration: 30 Fishing bait: 8 Ranching: 8580 collections completed.