Coming Soon (Research) - Suiticals/Suity-Bot GitHub Wiki
- Invention: 500
- Sigilweaving skill
- Sigil 1 equipment slot
- Sigil 2 equipment slot
- Sigil 3 equipment slot
- Sigil 4 equipment slot
- Sigil 5 equipment slot
- Sigil 6 equipment slot
- Sigil 7 equipment slot
- Sigil 8 equipment slot
- Sigil 9 equipment slot
- Sigil 10 equipment slot
- Hops farming patch
- Opal recipe
- Jade recipe
- Red topaz recipe
- Sapphire recipe
- Emerald recipe
- Ruby recipe
- Diamond recipe
- Lapis lazuli recipe
- Dragonstone recipe
- Onyx recipe
- Astral rune recipe
- Blood rune recipe
- Spiked green dragonhide coif recipe
- Spiked green dragonhide body recipe
- Spiked green dragonhide legs recipe
- Spiked green dragonhide vambraces recipe
- Spiked green dragonhide boots recipe
- Spiked blue dragonhide coif recipe
- Spiked blue dragonhide body recipe
- Spiked blue dragonhide legs recipe
- Spiked blue dragonhide vambraces recipe
- Spiked blue dragonhide boots recipe
- Summoning potion recipe
- Sailing potion recipe
- Divination potion recipe
- Archaeology potion recipe
- Dungeoneering potion recipe
- Super summoning potion recipe
- Super sailing potion recipe
- Super divination potion recipe
- Super archaeology potion recipe
- Super dungeoneering potion recipe
- Space rune recipe
- Time rune recipe
- Daeyalt essence recipe
- Rock-shell helm recipe
- Rock-shell plate recipe
- Rock-shell legs recipe
- Rock-shell boots recipe
- Rock-shell gloves recipe
- Spined helm recipe
- Spined body recipe
- Spined chaps recipe
- Spined boots recipe
- Spined gloves recipe
- Skeletal helm recipe
- Skeletal top recipe
- Skeletal bottoms recipe
- Skeletal boots recipe
- Skeletal gloves recipe
- Armadyl godsword recipe
- Bandos godsword recipe
- Zamorak godsword recipe
- Saradomin godsword recipe
- Protect from magic recipe
- Protect from missles recipe
- Protect from melee recipe
- Extreme summoning potion recipe
- Extreme sailing potion recipe
- Extreme divination potion recipe
- Extreme archaeology potion recipe
- Extreme dungeoneering potion recipe
- Gem cutting research
- Fertiliser research
- Jewellery research
- Song from the depths research
- Blurite equipment research
- Ice strykewyrm
- Tormented demon
- Gud raider equipment collection
- Fremennik equipment collection
- Dagannoth rings collection
- Rock-shell armour collection
- Spined armour collection
- Skeletal armour collection
- Dagannoth rex collection
- Dagannoth supreme collection
- Dagannoth prime collection
- Godswords collection
- Subjugation equipment collection
- Armadyl equipment collection
- Bandos equipment collection
- Saradomin necklaces collection
- Godsword hilts collection
- God wars weapons collection
- K'ril Tsutsaroth collection
- Commander Zilyana collection
- Kree'arra collection
- General Graardor collection
- Assassination reroll token sold in the Shop for 200 x Shuriken