How To Create QueryParm API Variable - SuiteEngine/APIEngine GitHub Wiki

How to Create a URL Query Parm with an API Variable

This Section will describe how to add query parms to a request URL in an API Function.  To achieve this, we can add an API Variable to the API Function we are constructing.  API Variables define how the request will be built for the API Function.  Different types of API Variables are used to build different parts of the request (URL, URL Path, URL Parameter, Header, Body).  In this case, we will add an API Variable of type URL Parameter to add a Query Parm to our URL.  As a prerequisite to this article, you may want to read How the SuiteEngine API Engine Builds the API Endpoint URL to see where a Query Parm fits into the API Engines process on building the Request URL.

First we will create a static value query parm (hand=wave) to a url, then we will add a query parm with a value from a Customer Record - custid=x, where x will be the Customer No. from the Business Central Customer Table.

Let's get started!

For demo purposes, we will again build off the Create an API Function wiki article using the Postman Echo GET API function.  At the completion of this article, we should end up with an endpoint url of:

To add our static hand=wave query parm to the URL, from the API Functions list page for the API Set, activate the API Variables Action Ribbon and press the Action URL Parameters.

Add a new line to the API Variables as follows:

Definition of  the fields entered for this hand=wave URL Parameter Value:

  1. Auto Build Sequence (PK1) - An integer value that determines the order that the URL Parameters should be positioned after the ? delimiter of the URL.  For this example API Variable, enter:  10.
  2. Variable Scope (PK2) - An Option (Enumeration) value that indicates how this variable is used in building the end point url.  In our case, we want this variable to add a query parm, so the Variable scope will be:  URL Parameter.
  3. Name (PK3) - The name of the API Variable.  This mostly likely will be the key of the query parm presented in the URL.  Note that when you enter this field for the first time, the field (API) Static Name also populates with the same value.  The API Static Name however can be changed to something different or even changed by API Name Processing Type.  Think of this Name field as being an API Engine Name which needs to be unique, however the Name (or key in this case) be what is contained in the URL.  Although they are rarely different, there are use cases for this, especially with Body API Variables that involve arrays of data. For this example API Variable, enter:  hand.
  4. Variable Value Type - This indicates how the variable value will be presented by this API Variable, for Query Parameters, the only valid values should be Key Value Text or Text Value .  Since we want a key value query parm (hand=wave) enter Key Value Text for this variable.
  5. Value Processing Type - This is an option (enumeration) for how the value of the API Variable will be derived.  For this exercise, we use the Static Value Processing Type since the value will always be the same (hard coded, fixed, static) for every API Call made by this function.  Other possible values that come with the API Engine will be explained in other documentation, but it maybe good to note that value processing can be extended by custom codeunits that implement the SENAPIValueProcessing.Interface.
  6. Static Value - This field is the fixed/static/hardcoded value that will always be sent for a API Variable with a Value Processing Type of Static.  In our example, we will enter wave.
  7. API Name Processing - This is an option (enumeration) for how the name (key) of the API Variable will be derived.  For this exercise, we use the Static Value Processing Type since the value will always be the same (hard coded, fixed, static) for every API Call made by this function.  Other possible types that come with the API Engine will be explained in other documentation, but it maybe good to note that value processing can be extended by custom codeunits that implement the SENAPIValueProcessing.Interface.  Note that in the vast majority of API variables, the choice will be Static since normally the keys are known and do not change.  An Example of when to use something other than static would be when the Variable represents meta data and both the key and the value of the query parm will come from data in a table.
  8. Static Name- This field is the fixed/static/hardcoded value that will always be sent for a API Variable with a API Name Value Processing Type of Static.  In our example, the value defaulted to Name when the Name field was entered (validated).

Definition of  the fields we left empty  (or at there default value) for this hand=wave URL Parameter Value:

  1. Do Not Encode - By default, the API Engine will URL Encode data according to the Variable Scope of the variable, checking this box will override this default behavior.
  2. Parent - The Parent field is used in API Variables with variable scope = body, it allow for nested objects and arrays.
  3. Variable Value Null Behavior - This indicates the behavior of this variable if after Value Processing, the resulting value is blank or null.  With this setting, if the value is blank or null, the query parm will still be sent with an empty string value.  There are other behaviors that can be chosen, null value, undefined value, or Do not Include which will essentially just skip your API variable all together and not include it in the URL's query parms.
  4. Value Processing Function Name - This is only used for certain Value Processing type, see other Wiki articles dealing with Variable Value Processing.
  5. Value Table No. - This field would have the BC Table Number to be used with other Value Processing Types (See below for an example of this).  The Adjacent field Value Table Name is a display only field showing the Caption of the Table specified in this field.
  6. Value Field No. - This field would have the BC Field Number of the field from the Value Table No. to be used in Variable Value Processing  The Adjacent field Value Field Name is a display only field showing the Caption of the Field specified in this field.
  7. API Message Masked Value. - This field is used for sensitive information that you want to hide in the API Message result.  The actual value is processed, but the masked value is written to the API message in its place to prevent users from viewing the actual values.

If we were to execute our API Function now, we can see that our first Query Parameter objective has been satisfied by looking at the API Message Query Request value:

Now lets add the Customer Id Query Parameter.  In this exercise, I have chosen to Copy the API Function we started with, to a new API Function in which we will add the Business Central Customer ID Query Parameter.   First, lets navigate to a page that shows us all the API Variables for this API Function.

Now we add a second line to the list for our custid query parm as follows:

Definition of  the fields entered for this hand=wave URL Parameter Value:

  1. Auto Build Sequence (PK1) - An integer value that determines the order that the URL Parameters should be positioned after the ? delimiter of the URL.  Since we want this to be the second Query Parm sent, enter:  20.
  2. Variable Scope (PK2) - An Option (Enumeration) value that indicates how this variable is used in building the end point url.  In our case, we want this variable to add a query parm, so the Variable scope will be:  URL Parameter.
  3. Name (PK3) - The name of the API Variable. For this example API Variable, enter:  custid
  4. Variable Value Type - This indicates how the variable value will be presented by this API Variable, for Query Parameters, the only valid values should be Key Value Text or Text Value .  Since we want a key value query parm (custid=,the Customer No. from the Customer Table>) enter Key Value Text for this variable.
  5. Value Processing Type - This is an option (enumeration) for how the value of the API Variable will be derived.  For this exercise, we use the Parameter Record Value Processing Type since the value will be derived from a Parameter Record that will represent the Customer Table Record we want to send. More on that later in this article.
  6. Variable Value Null Behavior - This indicates the behavior of this variable if after Value Processing, the resulting value is blank or null.  With our setting of Do not Include, if the resulting value is '' (empty string) the API Engine will just skip your API variable all together and not include it in the URL's query parms.
  7. Value Table No. -Enter the Table Number of the Table we want the API Engine to look for a parameter record for.  You can use the lookup to choose any valid Business Central Table including those added by Extensions to Business Central.  In this case, we enter the table number of the Business Central Customer Table: 18
  8. Value Table Name. -This is a display only field that should be populate once you entered the table number, it is a lookup to the Name of the Table.
  9. Value Field No. -Enter the Field Number of the Field of the Value Table we want the API Engine to use for the source value.  You can use the lookup to choose any valid Business Central Field of the Value Table, including those added by Extensions to Business Central.  In this case, we enter the Field number of the Customer No. from the Business Central Customer Table: 1
  10. Value Field Name. -This is a display only field that should be populate once you entered the Value Field No., it is a lookup to the Name of the Field.

If we were now to execute this API Function like we did previously, would we achieve our desired result?  The answer is no, we would not.  We would get the same result as we did previously.  Why?  We would get the same result because of two things.  1) We did not supply an API Parameter to the API Message before the API Engine build the request.  This resulted in a value processing result for our custid Query Parm value being '' (empty string).  2) Since we specified Do not Include for the Variable Value Null Behavior, if the value processing resulted in '' then the Query Parm will be skipped and not added as a Query Parm to the request URL.

We can add an API Parameter that represents the Business Central Customer we want the API Function to use with the UI (User Interface) or with AL Code.

Adding an API Parameter to an API Message with the UI (User Interface)

In this example, we will need to step through the life cycle of an API Message to be able to add an API Parameter to it at the appropriate time (after the API Message is initialized, but before the API Engine creates the API Request). First we need to create a new API Message for our API Function.  This can be achieved from our API Functions page by pressing the Home Action - API Messages, and then pressing the New Action.  We should now have an API Message with our API Set and API Function populated with a Message Status of Initialized.

To add our API Parameter record that represents a Business Central Customer Record to the message, Click Parameters FastTab and select Table Record from the Add New Parameter section.

We then need to pick a Table for the API Parameter. In our case, we want the Customer table.

And finally, select the Record from the Customer table that the API Parameter will represent, in our case, I selected Customer 30000 - School of Fine Art.

Now that we successfully have our School of Fine Arts Customer attached as an API Parameter to the API Message we can execute the API Message directly from the API Message Card.

Our API Message now executes and returns back the response we were hoping for.

Adding an API Parameter to an API Message with AL Code

For Developers, you can initialize an API Message, Add the Customer record API Parameter to the API Message, and Execute the API Message all with the following Business Central AL Code.  (Below Example simply just adds to the Hello World Page Extension Object).

// Welcome to your new AL extension.
// Remember that object names and IDs should be unique across all extensions.
// AL snippets start with t*, like tpageext - give them a try and happy coding

/// <summary>
/// PageExtension CustomerListExt (ID 50200) extends Record Customer List.
/// </summary>
pageextension 50200 CustomerListExt extends "Customer List"
    trigger OnOpenPage();
        Customer: Record Customer;
        SENAPIMessage: Record "SENAPI Message";
        SENAPIMessageManagement: Codeunit SENAPIMessageManagement;

        SENAPIMessage := SENAPIMessageManagement.CreateNewAPIMessage('POSTMANECHO', 'GETHANDWAVEANDCUSTOMERID'); //Creates the API Message For the API Function
        SENAPIMessageManagement.AddNewRecordParamterToAPIMessage(SENAPIMessage, Customer.RecordId);//Add the Customer Record to the API Message Parameters
        SENAPIMessageManagement.ExecuteAPIMessage(SENAPIMessage);//Execute the API Message to do the API Function
        Message('App published: Hello world');
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