Commands and Permissions - SugarCaney/CrystalQuest GitHub Wiki

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Down here you will find a list containing all permissions and all commands of the CrystalQuest plugin. The commands all are subcommands of the /cq command. Arguments between < and > are obligatory, arguments between [ and ] are optional.


All commands have tab completion.

  • /cq general message about the plugin.
  • /cq help [setup] shows an overview of all (arena setup) commands.
  • /cq lobby teleports you to the main lobby.
  • /cq quit or /cq leave leave the game (lobby, in-game or end-game) you're in.
  • /cq balance Check your own balance.
  • /cq balance <player> Check the current balance of a player.
  • /cq shop Opens the shop.
  • /cq join <arena> Join the given areana. (crystalquest.join permission required)
  • /cq class Let players with the crystalquest.changeclass permission change their class in-game.
  • /cq tp <arena> Teleports you to the given arena. (Staff+) Since v1.4
  • /cq enable <arena> enable the arena you want. (Staff+)
  • /cq disable <arena> disables the arena you want. (Staff+)
  • /cq forcestart [arena] forces the arena to start the countdown. (Staff+) Arena required in v1.3 and earlier
  • /cq kick <playername> kicks a player from the arena they are in. (Staff+)
  • /cq money <give|set> <player> <amount> Give a player a certain amount of money or set the balance. (Admin)
  • /cq item <item-key> [player] Gives yourself or another player a certain item. (Admin) Since v1.4
  • /cq reload reloads the config.yml. This will also reset all arenas on the server. (Admin)
  • /cq hardreset Can only be used in the console! This will wipe all data! (Console)
  • /cq spectate <arena> Set you in spectate-mode for an arena.
  • /cq setcount <seconds> Set the countdown of the current arena. (Staff+) Since v1.4

Setup commands

  • /cq setlobby sets the main lobby to your current location. (Admin)
  • /cq createarena [name] creates a new arena with optionally a default name. (Admin)
  • /cq setname <arena> <name> (re)names an arena. (Admin)
  • /cq teamlobby <arena> <team>* sets the pre-game lobby of a certain team. (Admin)
  • /cq setteams <arena> [teams..] sets the teams playing in the arena. (Admin) See setup page for v1.3 info
  • /cq minplayers <arena> sets the amount of players that is required to start a specific arena. (Admin)
  • /cq maxplayers <arena> sets the maximum amount of players an arena can contain. (Admin)
  • /cq spawn <arena> [clear|undo] adds (or clears all/removes last) a playerspawn to the arena. (Admin)
  • /cq teamspawn <arena> <team> [clear]* set your current location as a team-specific spawn. (Admin)
  • /cq crystalspawn <arena> [clear] adds (or clears all/removes last) a crystal spawn to the arena. (Admin)
  • /cq itemspawn <arena> [clear] adds (or clears all/removes last) an item spawn to the arena. (Admin)
  • /cq doublejump <arena> toggles if double jumps are enabled in the arena.
  • /cq check <arena> shows you all data about an arena. Handy if you want to know if you didn't forget anything. (Admin)
  • /cq reset <arena> resets an arena. This will remove all players from the arena. (Admin)
  • /cq wand gives you the wand to select positions. (Admin)
  • /cq protect <arena> [remove] Adds or remove the protection to/from an arena. (Admin)
  • /cq pos <1|2> sets position 1 or 2 to your current position. (Admin)

*For the team-ID you can use either the ID (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8) or the Team-name ("green", "orange", "yellow", "red", "blue", "magenta", "white" or "black"). The team names are also available in the tab complete feature.


The permissions are honestly not that hard. Normally only these 3 nodes will be enough to manage all staff-tasks. The permissions for the arenas and kits are listed further down.

  • crystalquest.admin Access to all commands/permissions including special perks.
  • crystalquest.staff Access to all commands above suffixed with '(Staff)' including special perks.
  • crystalquest.join Access to the /cq join command.

If you want to be a little more specific with your staff-permissions, you can use the permissions down below instead of the staff permission.

  • crystalquest.enable Access to the /cq enable command.
  • crystalquest.disable Access to the /cq disable command.
  • crystalquest.forcestart Access to the /cq forcestart command.
  • crystalquest.kick Access to the /cq kick command.
  • Access to the /cq tp command.
  • crystalquest.bypasscommandblock Player can use commands when in-game.
  • crystalquest.setcount Access to the /cq setcount command.

To give people permissions for special kits and certain arenas, you have to use the following nodes:

  • crystalquest.arena.<arena> Give a player permission to join an arena. You can either use the arena-name (CAsE sEnSITiVe) or the arena-id
  • crystalquest.arena.* Access to all arenas
  • crystalquest.kit.<technicalname> Give a player permission to use a kit The name is the name of the section (not the 'name'-attribute!)
  • crystalquest.kit.* Access to all kits

To give people some special perks, you can use this permission:

  • crystalquest.randomitem Give the player a random item each time he/she respawns.
  • crystalquest.spectate Give players permission to spectate! (please give this to anyone :))
  • crystalquest.doublecash The player will get twice as many crystals (currency).
  • crystalquest.triplecash The player will get thrice as many crystals (currency).
  • crystalquest.fireworkkill Sets off a firework when you kill a player.
  • crystalquest.changeclass Let people use /cq class to change their class in-game.

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