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Download and Installation
aight first off major thanks to RadioactiveJellyfish!
You will need the Unity 2020.3 Ravenfield modding tools installed first.
Click on the green "Code" button then download zip
then unpack the zip file and put it in your Unity assets folder
Download my version of the CustomHUD scripts/prefabs
And import the unitypackage
Actually Getting Started
To begin, you will need to make an empty game object in your hierarchy.
You can right click your hierarchy to see the menu.
Name it something you'll remember and easily find.
Next, add a Scripted Behaviour component.
Assign "CustomHUD_Main" to the source in your Scripted Behaviour. The script can be found in either Jelly's generic HUD scripts or in my HUD scripts folder.
Now add a Data Container component.
In the Strings parameter, set it to 2
Make the first id "hudName"
Make the second id "hudVersion".
Here you can type the name and version of your HUD mod for debugging purposes.
Drag and drop your HUD game object into the project files window to turn it into a prefab (blue cube icon)
Click on your prefab in the project window.
Then click on "Open Prefab" in the inspector window.
You are now ready to make a custom HUD. Just drag and drop the canvases into the hierarchy to set them up.