Code to fetch udid of iOS device. - SudhiHathwar/Appium-Setup-Guide GitHub Wiki

Ruby code:

deviceName = ARGV[0]
def get_udid(deviceName)
allDevices = `/usr/bin/instruments -s devices`
deviceList = allDevices.split("\n")
deviceList.each do |device|
  match_data = /(?<deviceName>.*) \((?<os>.*)\) \[(?<uuid>.*)\]/.match(device)
  next if match_data.nil?
  next unless match_data[:deviceName].eql? deviceName
  return match_data[:uuid]
puts get_udid(deviceName)

Copy the above code in a file and save with .rb extension

To fetch udid, enter below command in terminal along with you device name (case sensitive)

ruby get_udid.rb ‘iPhone 7’

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️