How To customize Mech HUD Variables - Subject9x/battleMETAL GitHub Wiki

One part of building the player's HUD for battleMETAL involves customizing console and game variables in the mech data. This can be found towards the bottom of any common/data/mechs/ file like the balaket.

note battleMETAL uses compiler pragmas to only compile certain code for certain modules:

'#ifndef CSQC' = don't compile for the client code in csprogs.dat

make sure when using pragmas to always close any if with a following #endif!

#ifdef CSQC

  • self.weaponmodel = "q3mdl/mechs/balaket/balaket_view.md3";

    • overrides Quake's stock gun model, this is the cockpit struts mesh.
  • self.hud_model = "q3mdl/mechs/balaket/balaket_hud.obj";

    • new for battleMETAL this is the mesh for the HUD panel display.

Player pitch limits are set here, with max of 90 degrees for either limit.

  • self.pitchMax = 30; //pitch down limit

  • self.pitchMin = -35;//pitch up limit

note: View Bob values are disabled for now after Beta 2 v1.0.0 release, I changed how HUD models are setup (completely clientside). to get these values working again will take some coding effort in CSQC.

These are stock Quake view variables. Below each is their corresponding console var which you can use -tab- to autocomplete and see how they're used. I'm not entirely sure how these variables work for values, I mostly eye-balled the values to get my preferred setups.

release note - the way CSQC now sets up the player HUD has affected how the HUD bobs, as in, it doesn't really sway that much anymore, these values may no longer be so important.

  • self.hud_rollangle = 4;

    • cl_angle
  • self.hud_bob = 0.03;

    • cl_bob
  • self.hud_bob_cycle = 0.5;

    • cl_bobcycle
  • self.hud_bob_up = 0.15;

    • cl_bobup
  • self.hud_bob_model = 1;

    • cl_bobmodel
  • self.hud_bob_side = 0.09;

    • cl_bobmodel_side
  • self.hud_bob_speed = 6;

    • cl_bobmodel_speed
  • self.hud_bob_model_up = 0.1;

    • cl_bobmodel_up
