Changing the checks required to merge a Pull Request - Studio-Lovelies/GG-JointJustice-Unity GitHub Wiki

Knowledge requirements

This document is not dependent on other topics.


This document outlines, how to add new or remove existing checks before a PR can be merged.
⚠️ Make sure to update this document when making changes to the required checks. ⚠️

Right now, the following checks need to pass successfully in order for a PR to be mergeable:

  • 2 other people need to manually approve the PR
    the person who created the PR cannot approve the PR
  • the following automated checks need to complete successfully
    • all automated platform builds
      • Windows x64
      • Windows x86
      • Linux
      • macOS
      • WebGL
    • all automated tests
      • EditMode
      • PlayMode Scripts
      • PlayMode Scenes

Changing the required checks

This process requires administrative privileges for this repository or organization.

  1. Visit the braches-settings sub-page of this repository
  2. If you see a 404 page, make sure you're logged into a GitHub account with administrative privileges for this repository or organization
  3. Under Branch protection rules, on the row that starts with develop, select Edit
  4. To add more checks before a PR can be merged...
    1. Find the text box labeled Search for status checks in the last week for this repository
    2. Begin typing parts of the name of the check you want to add (if it doesn't show up, make sure it ran at least once in the last 7 days)
    3. Click on the auto-completed item matching the check you want to add
    4. Repeat steps 4.i. - 4.iii. until all checks you want to add, are added
    5. The text input should be empty and the new check part of the list below now
  5. To remove checks so they are no longer required to merge a PR...
    1. Right under Status checks that are required., find the name of the check under you want to remove
    2. Click the X on the right side of it
    3. Repeat step 5.i. & 5.ii. until all checks you want to remove, are removed
  6. After you have made your changes, scroll to the bottom of the page
  7. Click on Save changes