Using toast() to display popup notifications in 2.1 - Studio-42/elFinder GitHub Wiki
During the integration you could use elFinder api to display third party software notifications using toast() function.
toast() takes one parameters object with the following properties:
msg - message text
mode - message type, could be info, warning or error
hideDuration - popup hiding duration
showDuration - popup showing duration
timeOut - popup timeout between show and hide
var fm = $('#finder').elfinder(elfinderOpts);
var instance = fm.elfinder('instance');
if (typeof instance == 'object' && typeof instance.toast == 'function') {
instance.bind('load', function(event) {
msg: 'My message',
hideDuration: 500,
showDuration: 300,
timeOut: 1000,
mode: 'info'