Custom context menu command - Studio-42/elFinder GitHub Wiki
Added from #257
Another example
To add a custom command you must follow this steps:
1) add the name of your custom command on document ready
$().ready(function() {
var elf = $('#elfinder').elfinder({
url : 'php/connector.php',
commands : [
'custom','open', 'reload', 'home', 'up', 'back', 'forward', 'getfile', 'quicklook',
'download', 'rm', 'duplicate', 'rename', 'mkdir', 'mkfile', 'upload', 'copy',
'cut', 'paste', 'edit', 'extract', 'archive', 'search', 'info', 'view', 'help', 'resize', 'sort', 'netmount'
contextmenu : {
// navbarfolder menu
navbar : ['open', '|', 'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'duplicate', '|', 'rm', '|', 'info'],
// current directory menu
cwd : ['reload', 'back', '|', 'upload', 'mkdir', 'mkfile', 'paste', '|', 'sort', '|', 'info'],
// current directory file menu
files : ['getfile', '|', 'custom', 'quicklook', '|', 'download', '|', 'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'duplicate', '|', 'rm', '|', 'edit', 'rename', 'resize', '|', 'archive', 'extract', '|', 'info']
2) add the command name your language file
'cmdcustom' : 'Custom command',
3) create a custom command file (you can copy an existing command from source) and include it in your main html
elFinder.prototype.commands.custom= function() {
this.exec = function(hashes) {
//implement what the custom command should do here
this.getstate = function() {
//return 0 to enable, -1 to disable icon access
return 0;
4) add a css rule for your command
.elfinder-button-icon-custom { /* css here */ }