List of filters - StreetStrider/Beardy GitHub Wiki

Common filters

default(default) : get value of key or default

Boolean filters

not : logical not

bool : cast to bool (double logical not)

String filters

escape : escape HTML-entities

uppercase : uppercase all characters

lowercase : lowercase all characters

capitalize : capitalize all words

trim : trim whitespace characters

split(token) : split string by token (casts to list)

List filters

list : if value is not a list, convert it to list with one value else takes no effect

join(glue) : join elements of list with glue (casts to string)

empty : check list emptiness (bool)

Numeric filters

add(number) : add number to value

sub(number) : subtract number from value

mod(number) : get module of value by number

even : check for even numeric (bool)

odd : check for odd numeric (bool)