Key Information - Streamline-Essentials/StreamlineWiki GitHub Wiki

Below is some much-needed information on things such as file locations and some Streamline terminology.

When we say... We mean...
your plugins folder The plugins folder in your server's main folder.
streamline main folder The StreamlineAPI folder in your plugin's folder.
NOTE: if you use Velocity, the folder will actually be called streamlineapi (lowercase)!
modules folder The modules folder in your streamline main folder.
module resources folder The module-resources folder in your streamline main folder.
<specified> module folder
NOTE: <specified> will be replaced with a module's name
The <specified> folder in your module resources folder
commands folder The commands folder in your streamline main folder
module commands folder The commands folder in your <specified> module folder.
NOTE: <specified> will be replaced with a module's name
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