Parameters - StreamlabsSupport/Streamlabs-Chatbot GitHub Wiki
Parameters Overlook
- Chat Input Parameters
- Currency Altering Parameters
- Currency Parameters
- Date & Time
- Event Parameters
- File Reading Parameters
- File Writing Parameters
- Miscellaneous Parameters
- My Channel Data Parameters
- Queue Parameters
- Quote parameters
- Songrequest Parameters
- Sub / Follower Counts Parameters
- User or Target Channel Data Parameters
- Users Parameters
Users Parameters
- $userid
- Displays the user’s id.
- $username
- Displays the user’s display name just as it's seen in the chat.
- $targetid
- Displays the target’s id.
- $targetname
- Displays the target’s display name just as it's seen in the chat.
- $touserid
- Displays the target’s or user’s id. $addpoints, $removepoints, $givepoints parameters.
- $tousername
- Displays the target’s or user’s display name just as it's seen in the chat.
- $randuserid
- Displays the id of a random user that has spoken in chat recently.
- $randusername
- Returns the name of a random user that has spoken in chat recently.
- $botname
- Displays the bot’s name
My Channel Data Parameters
- $setgame(game) and $settitle(title)
- Allows you to set the game & title through a command and create presets for certain games
- $mychannel
- This will be replaced by the channelname where the bot is connected
- $myurl
- Displays the twitch channel URL for your stream
- $mygame
- Displays the game you are currently playing
- $mystatus
- Displays your stream title
- $uptime
- Displays for how long the stream has been Live
- $currenthosts(NumHostsPerPage)
- Displays everyone that is currently hosting the stream (Only works when you’re live)
User or Target Channel Data Parameters
- $userurl
- Displays the user’s twitch channel URL
- $usergame
- Displays the user’s last played/current game
- $userstatus
- Displays the user’s stream title
- $url
- Displays the target’s twitch channel URL
- $game
- Displays the target’s current/last played game
- $status
- Displays the target’s stream title
Chat Input Parameters
- $msg
- Displays the text after the command
- $arg1 to $arg9
- $arg1 will give you the first word after the command and $arg2 the second and so on
!test Apple Banana
would mean $arg1 = Apple!test Apple Banana
would mean $arg2 = Banana
- $arg1 will give you the first word after the command and $arg2 the second and so on
- $argl1 to $argl9
- $argl1 will give you the first word after the command in all lowercase and $argl2 the second and so on
!test Apple BANANA
would mean $arg1 = apple!test Apple BANANA
would mean $arg2 = banana
- $argl1 will give you the first word after the command in all lowercase and $argl2 the second and so on
- $num1 to $num9
- Just like $arg but needs to be a whole number
- $randnum(max) or $randnum(min,max)
- Displays a random number in the specified range
- $dummyormsg
- This will get replaced by anything behind the command. If there is nothing it will be cleared from the response message
- $dummy
- This is a Dummy that will not post the message if there is nothing behind the command
Quote Parameters
- $randquote
- Displays a random quote
- $quotes
- Displays the amount of quotes
- $maxquotes
- Displays the highest number quote
- $randextra
- Displays a random value from the extra quotes
Command & Timer info Parameters
- $desc(description)
- Special parameter that can be placed on the first line of a command to sync a custom description to the web
- $commands(NumCommandsPerPage)
- Displays a list of all available commands for the user
- $timers(NumTimersPerPage)
- Displays a list of all available Timers
- $sfx(NumSFXPerPage)
- Displays a list of all available SFX for the user
- $count
- Counts the amount of times a command has been used
- $checkcount(command)
- Displays the count of a specific command
Currency Parameters
- $currencyname
- Displays currencyname
- $points
- Displays the amount of points of the user* or target
- $pointstext
- Displays the amount of points of the user* or target nicely formatted
- $raids
- Displays amount of times the user or target has raided the channel
- $rank
- Displays the users* rank
- $hours
- Displays amount of hours the user* or target has been in the stream
- $level
- Displays the users* level (legacy parameter, $points/50)
- $toppoints(X)
- Displays top X amount of users based on points (Except Caster & Bots)
- $tophours(X)
- Displays top X amount of users based on hours(Except Caster & Bots)
- $pointspos
- Displays the users* position in the ranking based on amount of points (local currency only)
- $hourspos
- Displays the users* position in the ranking based on amount of hours (local currency only)
- $nxtrankreq
- Displays the amount of points/hours the user* requires for his next rank
- $nxtrank
- Displays the next rank that the user* can achieve
* Has to be used together with one of the Users Parameters
Currency Altering Parameters
- $addpoints("targetid","min","max","success message","fail message")
- Adds points to a certain user and sends a message upon succeeding / failing
- $removepoints("targetid","min","max","success message","fail message","forceremove true or false")
- Removes points from a certain user and sends a message upon succeeding/failing. Force remove(true/false) removes points even if the user doesn’t have enough.
- $givepoints("fromid","toid","num","success message","fail message","forcegive true or false")
- Gives points from one person to another
- $value [Only Works inside of $addpoints, $givepoints or $removepoints]
- Gets replaced with the random value between min & max
- $newbalance(targetid) [Only Works inside of $addpoints, $givepoints or $removepoints]
- Gets replaced with the remaining balance after a $removepoints, $addpoints or $givepoints transaction
Sub / Follower Counts Parameters
- $followercount
- Displays your streams follower count
- $subcount
- Displays your streams subscriber count
- $gwsubcount
- Displays your streams gamewisp subscriber count
File Reading Parameters
- $readline(FileLocation)
- Reads the first line of the document
- $readrandline(FileLocation)
- Reads a random line from the file
- $readspecificline(FileLocation,LineNum)
- Reads a specific line from the file (Starts from 0)
File Writing Parameters
- $savetofile("FileLocation","Text","Success Message","Fail Message")
- Adds to the end of the file and creates new line
- $overwritefile("FileLocation","Text","SucceedMsg","FailMsg")
- Overwrites all the data in the .txt file with the added text
Miscellaneous Parameters
- $readapi(URL)
- Displays the text on the URL’s page.
- $countdown(12:00 AM) or $countdown(04/05/2015 12:00 AM)
- Allows you to start a countdown from the current time to the set time/date
- $countup(12:00 AM) or $countup(04/05/2015 12:00 AM)
- Allows you to set a start date for when the bot should start counting
Date & Time Parameters
- $date
- Displays the Date based on the format under Quote Settings
- $time
- Displays the caster’s time
Queue Parameters
- $queuepos(targetid)
- This will display the target’s position in the queue
- $queue(amount)
- This will display the first X amount of people in the queue
Songrequest Parameters
- $currentsong and $requestedby
- Return the current song that is being played through songrequest and the username of the users who requested it
- $nextsong and $nextrequestedby
- Return the current song that is next in queue and the username of the users who requested it
Event Parameters
- $tier
- Only usable in the GameWisp Chat Notification
- $months
- Only usable in the GameWisp Chat Resub / Twitch Resub Notification
- $reward
- Only usable in the GameWisp Chat Notification
- $bits / $totalbits
- Only usable in the Cheer Chat Notification
- $donationmsg
- Only usable in the Streamlabs Chat Notification
- $viewers
- Only usable in the Host Chat Notification