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How to setup YuPass

In this Wiki, I show you various ways to set up YuPass. If you have a single YubiKey and you don't care about losing everything if you lose it, then setup is very easy.

  1. Register the second slot of your YubiKey to use HMAC-SHA1
ykpersonalize -v -2 -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac -ohmac-lt64 -oserial-api-visible -ochal-btn-trig
  1. Install YuPass
sudo make install
  1. Create a GPG key
gpg --gen-key
  1. Run YuPass init
yupass init <GPG Key>

This is the easiest way to set up, but not the safest or the most secure, so on the next page I'll show you the best way to set up YuPass

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