SDK Configuration - Straas/Straas-iOS-sdk GitHub Wiki
StraaS Configuration implements authentication of developer. Only after passing the validation, developer can start using services in StraaS SDK.
Getting Started
This chapter will show you how to initialize StraaS configuration module.
Get iOS Client Id
The following part is going to talk about how to create an iOS client id. If you have created client id for iOS, you may pass this part.
To get client id, make sure you've apply the official account from
After login to, do the following steps
Then you will get the client id for iOS application!
Configure your application
The following part will talk about how to configure your iOS application. If you haven't got client id for iOS, ref Get iOS client id to make one.
After you've got an client id, add key STSSDKClientID with client id as string value to your iOS application's Info.plist.
Then configure your application with following code.
[STSApplication configureApplication:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
// If success, StraaS iOS SDK are ready to use.
You may need to change the JWT
and chatroomName
to an empty string (as a guest user) to test the app you created
- (NSString *)JWT {
return @"";
- (NSString *)chatroomName {
return @"";