Ruby Gem - Storyberg/Docs GitHub Wiki

Comprehensive documentation of the Storyberg gem can be found in the Storyberg gem readme file

1. Install the Storyberg Gem

gem install storyberg

2. Initialize Storyberg


3. Identify logged in users

Storyberg.identify(, # TODO  Output the current logged in users ID 
    email:,  # TODO  Output the current logged in users email address 
    name: current_user.full_name, # TODO Output the current logged in users name
    sign_up_date: current_user.created_at.to_i # TODO Output the current logged in sign up date as a Unix timestamp

4. Tag when a user 'sees' a new feature or experiment

Storyberg.identify(, # TODO  Output the current logged in users ID 
    tag: 'EXPERIMENT TAG' # TODO Update with the experiment tag

5. Record when a user does a key activity (event)

To record when a user does an activity, execute one the following calls.

a. Record key activity


b. Record paid event


c. Record custom event

Storyberg.event(, # TODO  Output the current logged in users ID 
    name: 'EVENT NAME' # TODO Update with an event name (no spaces)