First Time Setup - NoodleExtensionsCommunity/How-to-Noodle GitHub Wiki

Setting up for noodling

You will need two difficulty files, one for the original map and one for the noodle version. The noodle version will always be rewritten, so make changes to the map in the original difficulty. DO NOT OPEN THE NOODLE DIFFICULTY IN MMA2!

There are two options of running the script.

From inside the map folder

When you have both of the difficulties set up, there are two sections in the script called INPUT and OUTPUT. In INPUT, write the original difficulty file name into the apostrophes, eg. ExpertStandard.dat. And in OUTPUT write the difficulty file name for the noodle difficulty, eg. ExpertPlusStandard.dat.

Terminal method

  1. Open the terminal (top left "Terminal" --> "New Terminal")

  2. Make sure it's set to the map's location.

Terminal Map Path

If it isn't, write the following in the terminal: cd "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Map folder name" (ADJUST ACCORDINGLY!)

  1. Write node [script name].js to run it.

F5 Method

  1. Press F5 on your keyboard.

  2. Choose Node.js (you have to do this only once).

Note: There is a possibility that this method does NOT work. However, you should use it if possible. If this method does not work, refer to the Terminal method.

From anywhere on your pc

When you set up both difficulties, you will need to put in the whole path to them in the script. Let's say your difficulties are in

D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Beat Saber\Beat Saber_Data\CustomWIPLevels\Blood Rivers.

In INPUT you would have to write:

D:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Beat Saber\\Beat Saber_Data\\CustomWIPLevels\\Blood Rivers\\ExpertStandard.dat (WITH THE DOUBLE BACKSLASHES)

And for OUTPUT:

D:\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Beat Saber\\Beat Saber_Data\\CustomWIPLevels\\Blood Rivers\\ExpertPlusStandard.dat.

  1. Open the terminal (top left "Terminal" --> "New Terminal")

  2. Now you need to set it to the folder where your script is in. Use cd (change directory) to go to that folder. If you don't know how to use cd, you can read about it here.

  3. Write node [script name].js to run it.

Adding the requirements


  1. Select the level you want to map in and click on the ExtraFields tab to the right of the difficulty select.

  2. Click the Requirements tab and then type in Noodle Extensions.

  3. Click the Add button to add it to the requirements.

  4. Click Save song info in the bottom left corner.

  5. Done!


  1. Already add some noodle to the map.

  2. Open the level in the editor.

  3. Save the level.

  4. Done!


  1. Q: Why should I not open the noodle difficulty in MMA2?

    A: MMA2 deletes all CustomData you write on notes/walls.

  1. Q: Can I edit the noodle difficulty in CM?

    A: You can, however when you next run the script all changes you made will be overwritten, so edit only the original difficulty.

  1. Q: Does the map have to be finished when I start noodle mapping?

    A: No, you can start noodle mapping whenever you want.

You can now continue with the basics of this guide, have fun!