V2017 Home - Stimmikex/Ride_along GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Ride_along/Getaride Wiki!

Getaride Is the new/old website that we have been working on for the past year, it's still is the same website as before but we have changed every thing in the code to make it easier to use and easier to code in, we changed the way the website is setup and we went with Laravel because easier to work with.

Getaride is a website where users can request and require rides to differing place they want to go, it's is the same concept at taxi, lift or uber where there are user willing to drive other users around town for money or for free, this is one of the features of the site but we also have a lot of other interesting things on the site, there's the schedule where user can added there daily route and offer rides for people that are also taking the same route or close to it. We have a lot planed for Getaride in the future and we'll most likely keep working on it in our spare time and this site has been a challenge to work on but a good challenge were we've learned a lot about Laravel, routing, server configuration and how to use the sort time we've got to make a good site.

Link to the site: Hópverkefni_H2017 Link to video: Video