LI program Examples - Steven-Hewitt/LI GitHub Wiki

This is more or less just a dumpster for the sample programs I wrote as I was defining the language.



(implicit i returned)

hello world

"hello world


Growing Quine (outputs valid source code that grows every iteration)


Infinite Loop


ASCII art reflection (


Input is a truthy-falsy value followed by a string:

  S	                 Split
   \n                on newline
     ?_ai            if(?) not the first p(a)rt of the (i)nput:
         ~ d           reverse the second part of the input (i implied)
          .          duplicate the second part of the input as two parameters (only one used for ~)
          .           (the duplicated `di` is used for the else)
f~                   flatten the reverse (condense into single list)

Factorial without builtin


@       If input is not zero:
  Ryi    Rerun program with decremented input
 *   i   and multiply by input
      1 Else return 1

Alternate Factorial without builtin


?_i       If input is zero:
   1      	Return 1
     Ry   Else rerun program with decremented input
    *      And multiply by implied input

Fibonacci Sequence


Alternate Fibonacci Sequence(inefficient and longer)


Collatz Sequence


Truth Machine (print 0 and terminate on "0" input, print 1 forever on "1" input)


Stock Time Machine


Juggler Sequence
