GettingStarted - SteveStedman/SqlForensics GitHub Wiki
Download and run InstallSqlForensics.sql
Establishing a base line
At the end of the InstallSqlForensics.sql script [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] will be run. You can run this at any time and it will record anything that has been changed since the last run.
EXECUTE [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] ;
Confirm that it is working
First make a change to something in the configuration, for instance 'show advanced options' as shown here.
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', '1';
EXECUTE [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] ;
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', '0';
Turn on Display Changes then run [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] again.
EXECUTE [ForensicLogging].[setSetting] 'DisplayChanges', 'True';
EXECUTE [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] ;
At this point you will get output showing the recent change:
Looking for recent changes
Once you have [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] you will want to check back occasionally to see if anything has changed. The query to check for changes is:
SELECT li.[name], cast(l.[whenRecorded] as datetime), l.[value]
FROM [ForensicLogging].[Log] l
INNER JOIN [ForensicLogging].[LogItems] li on li.[id] = l.[itemId]
ORDER BY [whenRecorded] DESC;
Which will create output that looks something like this: