FunctionsAndProcedures - SteveStedman/SqlForensics GitHub Wiki


Internal stored used to get an ID associated with the type of item being logged. If the log item doesn't exist it gets added.


Monitors for any changes to configuration settings. Anything that can be set with sp_configure is monitored in this stored procedure.

This is called from [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] but it could be called directly if you just wanted to monitor the configuration without monitoring other options.


Keeps track of any added or changed users on the system.

This is called from [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] but it could be called directly if you just wanted to monitor users without monitoring other options.


Keeps track of any stored procedures, functions, or triggers that have been changed.

This is called from [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] but it could be called directly if you just wanted to monitor objects without monitoring other options.


See Optional Settings for more details.


See Optional Settings for more details.


This is the stored procedure that should be scheduled as a regular job EXECUTE [ForensicLogging].[runFullMonitoringPass] ;