Remote Access with - SteveCossy/IOT GitHub Wiki is a service offering secure remote access to computers using a proxy server which the target machine sets up. In this guide I am considering adding the service to a 64-bit Raspberry Pi which sets up the proxy server each time it boots. has a downloads page covering all options. We need the section for adding the service to an existing Pi.
For the example in this document, follow the instructions on this page.. Note that the only service you need is ssh.
Once is installed, you can access it from this page.
Click the refresh icon in the top right. If the target Pi is connected to the Internet and running OK, then the 'OFFLINE' status will change to bright blue 'CONNECTED'. Click the blue box then 'Secure Shell Connection'. This will give you some options for connecting to your Pi. Copy the line that is something like:
ssh -l pi -p 36023
and paste it into your favourite ssh command line client. The easiest to find on a Windows system is the Windows Command Prompt. Linux and Mac have a native command line. There are numerous other clients that can be downloaded.
I have a remote Pi that uses a USB dongle to connect to the Internet. After sending data the entire system is powered off. I've added a delay to the startup script that enables this, so I have a few minutes to log in. It a user is logged in, the machine doesn't shut down and power off.
sleep $LOGINWAIT # give myself some more time to log in if I want to!
if [ ${#userList} != "0" ] # More than zero users logged in
sudo echo
date +%y%m%d%H%M $userList Logged in - aborting script >> $StatusLog
sudo echo
date +%y%m%d%H%M Shutting down >> $StatusLog
sudo poweroff
python3 /home/pi/IOT/LoRaReAd/
One function I want is to be able to retrieve data files from the remote machine. To do this, I log in (to stop the target Pi being shut down):
ssh -l pi -p 36023
then from a different Linux machine where I keep my log backups:
scp -P 36023 [email protected]:/home/pi/trafficlogs/skinkpi-210117.log /home/cosste/skinkpi/trafficlogs/
You will probably be asked to confirm the identity of the remote machine. provide an excellent Debugging and Support page.
Running remoteit
at the command line gives a good summary of options. is started (and can be stopped or disabled) using systemctl
sudo systemctl status remoteit-headless
sudo systemctl status it.remote.cli.service
Some other systemctl
commands found useful:
systemctl --help
sudo systemctl list-units