1. Overview - Stereo-Boy/Pipeline_AS GitHub Wiki
The pipeline automates all the steps necessary to extract retinotopic areas from a pRF model, from the conversion of DICOM anatomical files to the drawing of the ROI on flattened cortical patches. It relies on Matlab and mostly on mrVista/vistasoft. The central function (in modules folder) is called pipeline_JAS and it runs a set of modules on demand, most of them optional.
The modules are:
- nifti conversion of anatomical volume (using dcm2niix from MRIcron)
- segmentation of anatomical volume (using Freesurfer)
- correction of gray mesh irregularities (manual step using itkGray)
- nifti header repair of anatomical image
- nifti conversion of retinotopy epi/inplane and removal of ''pRF dummy'' frames (using dcm2niix from MRIcron)
- motion correction of retinotopy epi/inplane (using FSL)
- MC parameter check and artefact removal (using FSL)
- retinotopy epi/inplane: nifti header repair
- initialization of a new mrVista session (using mrVista)
- registration of inplane and volume in the mrVista session (using spm/mrVista)
- Installing segmentation in the mrVista session
- mesh creation and smoothing in the mrVista session
- Estimation of the pRF model (using mrVista)
- mesh visualization of pRF values (in mrVista)