Usage Instructions - StephenFordham/BacGenomePipeline GitHub Wiki
Usage Instructions
For useful usage instructions, run
BacGenomePipline --help
BacGenomePipline can be run in one of four usage modes. The usage mode must be specified explicitly in the terminal. A selection of examples of BacGenomePipeline run in different usage modes is shown at the bottom of the help message and in the usage example section on this page.
usage: BacGenomePipeline (--pipeline | --pipe_red_mem | --assembly | --annotation)
--fastq_file READS
--help --version
[--nanostats] [--medaka_polish]
[--mean_q_weight] [--asm_fasta]
[--genome_size SIZE] [--asm_coverage INT]
[--flye_dir DIR_NAME] [--polished_dir DIR_NAME]
[--amr_dir DIR_NAME] [--vir_dir DIR_NAME]
Complete Bacterial Genome Assembly and Annotation Pipeline
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pipeline Runs the entire Pipeline
--pipe_red_mem Runs the entire Pipeline with reduced memory
--assembly Runs the assembly portion of the pipeline
--annotation Runs the annotation portion of the pipeline
--version Print version and exit.
Input fastq Reads (a fastq file is required):
-f , --fastq_file Specify an input Fastq file for the Pipeline and
assembly modes
Pipeline Options:
-n, --nanostats Optionally run NanoStats on your filtered read set
-m, --medaka_polish Optionally run NanoStats on your filtered read set
-s , --asm_fasta Add Genome assembly in fasta format
-w , --q_weight Add mean_q_weight for read filtering
Optional flye assembly arguments
(To reduce memory consumption for large genome assemblies):
-g , --genome_size Estimated genome size (for example, 5m or 2.6g)
-c , --asm_coverage reduced coverage for initial disjointig assembly [not
Directory names:
-d , --flye_dir Specify a flye genome assembly directory name
-p , --polished_dir Specify a medaka polished genome directory name
-a , --amr_dir Specify a antimicrobial resistance directory name
-v , --vir_dir Specify a virulence gene directory name
Did you know? BacGenomePipeline can be run in modes
These modes include: pipeline, which runs the entire BacGenomePipeline workflow,
pipe_red_mem, which uses less memory by using use a subset of the longest reads
for initial disjointig by specifying --asm-coverage and --genome-size options.
The assembly mode runs assembly and polishing steps only. For this step,
annotation is excluded. Finally the annotation mode takes a genome assembly and
annotates it for antimicrobial and virulence genes
Example Usage:
BacGenomePipeline --pipeline -f reads.fastq
BacGenomePipeline --pipeline -f reads.fastq.gz -m -n
BacGenomePipeline --pipe_red_mem -f reads.fastq -g 5.7m -c 40 -n -m
BacGenomePipeline --annotation -s assembly.fasta
BacGenomePipeline --assembly -f reads.fastq -n -m
Example Usage
BacGenomePipeline --pipeline -f reads.fastq
BacGenomePipeline --pipeline -f reads.fastq.gz -m -n
BacGenomePipeline --pipe_red_mem -f reads.fastq -g 5.7m -c 40 -n -m
BacGenomePipeline --annotation -s assembly.fasta
BacGenomePipeline --assembly -f reads.fastq -n -m