Release Notes - Stephan-S/FS19_AutoDrive GitHub Wiki

Changelog for Release (09.10.2021)
Since Giants has tightened the requirements for a release in the modhub, was rejected. Therefore this and all future versions will only be available here on github.


  • Game freezes (Error: PathFinderModule.lua:1958: bad argument #2 to 'max') #2027 & #2033
  • Waypoints are not shown, but are there #2081
  • Waypoints and routes disappear below road #2054
  • During load options the continue button does not respond #2076
  • Problem on triggers (showing R for refill in other vehicles) #2103
  • driving without engine ON in some situations
  • detection of user entered a vehicle on dedi servers


  • extended departure filling routine: it can now take up to 3s until drive, so that loading f.e. with wheel loader gives some more time to fill trailer completely #2097
  • unload after finished job if parking after job was activated #1906
  • dynamic adjust front left and right sensors to attached implement size in front, mainly needed for harvesting
  • all possible HUD inputs can now be assigned to free selectable key combinations #2018
  • EasyAutoLoad with configurable unload wait time, f.e. use for goods/pallets which need some time to unload/disappear
  • non-functional settings have been moved to a new separate page (turn signal setting and rotating beacon)

MEGATWEAK: Chopper and Harvester unloader routine complete rework

IMPORTANT: still not working properly with in-game sugarcane harvester!

  • Turn maneuver calculation optimized/faster

  • Harvester controlled by helper: the unloader reverses when the harvester turns to make room for turning

  • Chopper controlled by helper: the unloader waits while the chopper turns

  • CP Chopper: when CP reports a slowdown due to traffic, the pipe distance will be gradually increased until traffic no longer slows down (topic for improvements in CP)

  • CP Harvester: unloader only reverses when harvester wants to unload in a pocket or outside of the fruit/crop, otherwise it stays in position waiting for the next call or moves to unload

  • AIVE Chopper: no change needed

  • AIVE Harvester: will unload if caught with a fill level <90% (AIVE setting: not stop for unloading) or otherwise the unloader waits until the harvester is full and stops for unloading

  • Chopper:

    • unloader behind chopper or chopper turns: if trailer reached unload fill-level it will drive reverse and then to unload as some trailers might not be filled completely in this situations
    • unloader left or right from chopper: drive to unload immediate if completely filled, i.e. over unload fill-level
    • it might happen that unloader stops 2-3 times behind the turning chopper before harvesting continues if the chopper is still reporting to unloader that it is in a turn maneuver
  • Harvester:

    • the unloader is automatically called when the harvester is stopped and the pipe is extended, whether the pipe is out of the field or in the crop
    • the unloader follows the harvester:
      • is called when the early call level is reached (immediately if set to 0%).
      • is unloaded if the pipe is outside the field and not in the fruit
      • is unloaded when the early call level is reached, until the unloader is full
      • when the unloader is full or the harvester is empty, the unloader waits some time for the next call or drives to unload
      • the unloader reverses when it gets stuck
      • the unloader follows the pipe position even if a user is driving the harvester

Changelog for Release (29.08.2021)
This version can NOT be downloaded in the ingame modhub!


  • the helper was paid under certain circumstances after all, although it was set to 0% #2023
  • the parking location changed for the tractor to parking location from the seeder #2034
  • possible fix for closing the selection menu when another player tabs between vehicles (dedi server) #1709
  • AD Java editor was updated to handle the new secondary routes (since AD #2050

NEW: "handle vehicles with EasyAutoload"

AD can control vehicles/trailers which are using the Easy Autoload script in a version >
the set loading % is taken into account (as e.g. when loading at the silo)
loading is done in AD-typical way in silo distance to the loading target point
the unloading side must be set vehicle-specifically (default: "Unload Off")
the type of cargo can be set in the AD HUD directly
the load type set in the F1 menu cannot be imported as the script does not have an interface for it
workaround: change vehicle or get in/out of it
the selectable load type in the AD HUD depends on the vehicle mod (check this in the F1 menu if the text is too long)
if an other load type is set when reaching the loading zone and the correct load type is selected during this time, loading is often not done -> EAL limitation
Important: mixed operation with other material loads is not supported!

Changelog for Release (02.07.2021)
This version can NOT be downloaded in the ingame modhub!


  • error "can't change money of spectator farm" #1972
  • no motor active in BGA unloader mode and some use cases with harvester
  • problems with teleport solved (update of Tardis mod needed) #1992


  • added editor tips for the HUD
  • bunkersilo unload: unloader stopps if blocked by something and continues if free
  • BGA mode: several tweaks
  • user initiated refuel: vehicle is looking for diesel or electric, but not for DEF
  • shortcut issue in route finder solved

NEW: "Network section modification"

select the road junction waypoint
press and hold key to change: LCTRL -> change direction / LSHIFT -> change prio
hover with the mouse pointer over the first waypoint of the section to be changed -> preview the change
LMB -> execute the change on the section
IMPORTANT: the key combination LSHIFT + LCTRL + LALT deletes the section (no Undo!!!)
the change is valid until the next crossing or the beginning of the backward drive
the change is valid for the whole section and another direction or priority in the section is set to the new one

NEW: "Color assignment for users with different color perception"

Important: assignment can only be changed in an SP game, but the assigned colors are adopted then for all SP and MP games.
the color assignments are stored in the subfolder "Autodrive" in the FS folder, not in the savegame (file "AutoDrive_LocalSettings.xml")
to activate set "ColorAssignmentMode"= YES in the Experimental Features, then display the color pattern in editor mode via LCTRL + LMB
after clicking on a waypoint in the color triangle a list with the AD elements appears, where you can assign this color then
"Save": the assignment is saved for the selected AD item (will be saved immediately, no game save required)
"Reset": restores the original AD color for the selected item (regardless of the selected color waypoint)
to hide the color pattern: exit AD editor mode
for general deactivation in Experimental Features set "ColorAssignmentMode"= to NO
Note: during the active "ColorAssignmentMode" no creation of waypoints via LCTRL is possible!

Changelog for Release (12.06.2021)
This version can NOT be downloaded in the ingame modhub!


  • in SP no parking spaces could be assigned
  • pathfinding should no longer create paths with angles above 90°
  • after unloading and closing the trailer, drivers should start driving again immediately
  • AD logged errors on startup when no free helpers were available (helper will now be created)
  • camera slid into the ground in the interior view when driving f.e. example through a hall


  • unloader are called off their assigned harvest vehicle faster
  • unloader in the field should now find their way to the harvesting vehicle more quickly
  • unloader allowed to take tighter turns on the field
  • unloader keeps trailer straight when reversing (turntables are locked, no change from before when usinge multiple trailers)
  • unloader can turn directly forward during turning maneuvers of the harvesting vehicle instead of backing up first and waiting for the harvesting vehicle to turn (vehicle-specific setting)
  • if a vehicle is already at the destination point (distance <= 8m), it will not search for a route again when switched on, avoiding an unnecessary lap
  • braking behavior adjusted at various points to avoid flickering of brake lights
  • Algorithm for wayfinding reactivated, so that now also blue courses should not be a problem anymore
  • the front collision is now no longer at 2m but again directly in front of the current vehicle
  • various performance improvements, e.g. in route calculation
  • Vehicle can be sent to refuel via freely definable key (vehicle stops at destination)
  • if LShift is pressed when moving a waypoint, it remains at its original height and cannot sink into the ground
  • vehicles should now start in a suitable direction if they are started on a blue line and can reach their destination in both directions

NEW: "Tip of the day" function added

These are supposed to contain useful tips and inform about updates.
They can be called up via a free assignable key combination.

NEW: Simple BGA unloading mode enabled again

The unloading mode can be load either into a trailer or a BGA trigger (switching is done by button). 
It does not use path planning and only works with a free straight line to the destination.

NEW: branch lines (orange & brown instead of green & blue)

Secondary routes are avoided if the distance over the normal road calculation is not 20x longer. 
They are not avoided if there is no other way to reach the current destination.
ATTENTION: Configurations which contain branch lines are not compatible with older AD versions!
Also the external editor cannot be used until it has been updated.


To avoid problems and to unify the keys we changed some actions, esp. for backward routes.

Click on record button:

LMB = one way (forward = green, backward = light blue)
RMB = both directions (blue)
LShift + LMB = single branch line (orange)
LShift + RMB = in both directions secondary route (brown)

Waypoint to waypoint:

LMB = A>B = one way (green)
LMB = B>A = in both directions (blue)
LShift + LMB = A>B = one-way branch line (orange)
LShift + LMB = B>A = in both directions (brown)
RShift + LMB = A>B = backward route (light blue)


LMB = left mouse button
RMB = right mouse button
LShift = left shift key
RShift = right shift key

Changelog for Release (09.05.2021)
This version can NOT be downloaded in the ingame modhub, only!

FIX collision handling caused unloader to stop-and-go behind chopper

FIX multiple trailer unload harvester

TWEAK improved liquid overload:

  • only start loading in silo-trigger-range and if trigger is found

TWEAK harvester - unloader - co-operation:

  • increased reverse distance for unloader
  • CP harvester should wait some seconds while unloader is driving reverse

TWEAK rework park destination:

  • MP synchronized
  • on dedi server trailers, attachments, etc. can now also be assigned parking spaces
  • all destinations handled now internally in vehicles.xml in tag AutoDriveVehicleData parkDestination, AD will update automatical

TWEAK debug road network:

  • performance optimisation, especial when deactivating route network debug
  • changed: known markers for open / dead route ends now named with "1..."
  • new: route network with connections AD might not use due to issues named "2...", i.e. reverse section (light blue) within one-way direction (green)

TWEAK reset AD modes if started should fix/avoid unusual behaviour(s)

TWEAK CP interface for co-operation with newer CP versions

ADDED combine open pipe when precall-level is reached

ADDED experimental features:

  • blue Line Route Finder: default OFF, enable if AD could not find a route via multiple passes dark blue connections, feedback if issues occure
  • detect Gras Field: default ON, harvester will detect gras field and assign the correct side to unloader

Changelog for Release (28.02.2021)
This version can NOT be downloaded in the ingame modhub, only!

FIX: Middle click snaps waypoint to vehicle in edit mode #1723

TWEAK: Changed calculation of reverse distance and speed after harvester unloading

TWEAK: improved waypoint movement, do not glitch into / below visible ground

TWEAK: removed message harvester unloader could not reach harvester as it will restart finding the harvester after some time itself

TWEAK: several translation updates

TWEAK: fixed simultaneous recording on MP

TWEAK: refuel DEF and ELECTRIC at triggers where DEF, ELECTRIC or DIESEL are available

TWEAK: path finding:

  • setting avoidFruit works now also outside of field borders to avoid driving through a field with fruit to the next network waypoint if possible
  • setting pathFinderTime should only be slightly increased if avoidFruit is not proper working with sufficient headland is available (~20+ m), high value will increase the calculation time
  • 3 fallback scenario will automatic take effect:
  • First fallback (setting restrictToField is enabled) will extend the "field border" by ~30+ meters around the field pathfinding was started - extend the room for vehicle to find a path
  • Second fallback (setting restrictToField is enabled) will deactivate all field border restrictions
  • Third fallback (setting avoidFruit is enabled) will disable fruit avoid automatically if no path was found
  • If fallbacks will not succeed to find a path you will get the message path not found.
  • Overall performance improvement to reduce calculation time and FPS drops. Synchronize calculation time between multiple vehicles with ongoing path calculation.

ADDED: support auger wagon over-/unloading to trailer

  • vehicle will slow down to 5km/h at setting maxTriggerDistance before target and open pipe
  • unload to all trailers on the way to target
  • if not unloaded complete, drive to target and wait to be unloaded somehow (as in the past)

ADDED: retry unload at trigger

  • unloader wil stay at trigger and retry to unload only if trigger is not already 100% full when reaching the trigger
  • Limitation: if trigger is 100% full when reaching the unload trigger, vehicle continue to destination (LS engine limitation) and wait to unload somehow (as in the past)

ADDED: overload to fillable (liquids) trailer

ADDED: adExportRoutesAsExternalMod console command to create route export as a mod, which could be used by other users / machines on the same map

ADDED: Editormode (red bubbles): start auto-connection on selected waypoint with LCTRL key hold

ADDED: CP park vehicle now use the park position from selected vehicle/attachment

ADDED: new key+mouse combination to set/delete P destination

left-mouse -> no change, will send vehicle to park in every AD Mode

ADDED: remove assigned parking space:

  • Editormode (red bubbles) + LCTRL + right-mouse on P -> set/override P with 1st destination in HUD
  • Editormode (red bubbles) + LALT + right-mouse on P -> delete assigned parking space

Changelog for Release (16.12.2020)

You need the latest version of FS19. This version can also be downloaded in the ingame modhub.

  • FIX: added missing AIVE #1605
  • FIX: loops were not counted in MP
  • FIX: ignore invalid in-out waypoints when reading config
  • TWEAK: reset park at end job if no park position set
  • TWEAK: show go to destination in HUD if no park pos found
  • TWEAK: keep engine on if unloading is still in progress
  • ADDED: support for trailed combines
  • ADDED: load water from water plane of map
  • REMOVE: ingame help as it was obsolete

last update: 09.05.2021