SteamLUGcast: So, you’re going to be on our cast? - SteamLUG/ GitHub Wiki
We’re excited to have you join us! We record our show using a common multiplayer chat tool called Mumble, we generally have a chatty atmosphere to introduce the cast and discuss what we’ve been playing before we drop into our guest "interview" (we like to think of it as more of a chat or casual discussion).
We prefer you being available around 15 minutes before we start, as microphone checks (volume levels) and just making you comfortable with us tends to make a better atmosphere. Mumble uses a username and access control list system to allow us to promote our guests to speakers ‐ if you have an often‐used nickname, make us aware so we can get you all sorted beforehand.
We like to produce a runsheet ahead of time, on our shared Google Doc and we usually give you access to this days before the recording - we welcome you adding things you’d like to discuss about your game, or about us/Linux gaming! - and our live listeners also have access while we’re recording so they can see URLs and possibly share related information as we talk.
You’re encouraged to mention your game/games/website/twitter, and we're always happy to respond to questions that you might have!
After the interview/chat portion is over, we like to record goodbyes even if you’re staying around for the rest of the recording (but don’t feel you have to, we understand your time is important) just to improve the cast edit.
We’d like to collect a headshot/avatar (say, your twitter/steam profile picture) to use in our notes, and we will contact you a few days after the recording with a live link of the cast.
Here are some helpful URLs and don't be afraid to reach out and ask questions if you have any!
- SteamLUG Cast Countdown and Episode Archive
- SteamLUG Mumble Server Details
- Email contact: [email protected]
We look forward to chatting with you on the show!