How to generate YouTube video - SteamLUG/ GitHub Wiki
To generate a video for YouTube, you will need:
The final audio edit, pref. in ogg format as the quality should be a little higher.
A title card to be the static background of the video, 1280×720 in size, this can be generated by the site (eg) for you into SVG, once the notes are complete* for an episode. Some SVG→PNG convert tools exist, but recently changes have made them worse - having the browser capture a PNG of the image seems the best quality option atm :-1:. Notes need to be in the Shownotes Format listed in the repo, *though to produce this title card, only TITLE, SEASON, EPISODE, DESCRIPTION, HOSTS, GUESTS, & ADDITIONAL need to be set.
Once you have audio and an image, run this command and it will produce a video:
avconv -loop 1 -framerate 1 -i steamlugcast.s00e00.png -i steamlugcast.s00e00.ogg
-c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a aac
-strict experimental -b:a 192k -shortest tempoutput.mp4
But it is not ready yet! We run faststart on it to move some data chunks around so YouTube is faster to process it.
qt-faststart tempoutput.mp4 steamlugcast.s00e00.mp4
Now upload the video file! While it is uploading, set the title (taken from the notes), set the description (handily generated on the site, leave unpublished and not in a playlist or it will be visible on the site. Once upload is done, you can set a custom thumbnail to be the image used above - we do this because artifacting from the video process plays tricks on YouTube’s thumbnailer giving us a pink background.
Wiki-ing this now because the site is meant to do all this, but been having some software issues :8ball: