Contribution Guidelines - SteamLUG/ GitHub Wiki
Draft contribution policy outline, expanded from IRC discussion.
- Do not commit directly to the repo
- Minor commits (cosmetic changes, bug fixes) should be submitted as pull requests against the master branch
- Work-in-progress features and experiments should be constrained to a branch
- When a branch is considered ready to go live, it should be submitted as a pull request against the master branch
- Do not submit pull requests against the live branch
- Commit messages should be terse and short (<140)
- Commit descriptions can and should contain full explanations of the changset
- Contributors should avoid approving their own pull requests (an extra set of eyes is always a good thing)
- Old branches should be removed once changes (via pull request) are merged with master?
- Pull requests should be tested (on a local PHP server?) before merging
- Admins should aim to avoid letting a pull request go for more than a week without merging or commenting
- Before migrating changes from master to live, should be checked for issues (aim to leave at least two days for any non-cosmetic changes so that others have a chance to test as well?)
- Admins should aim to migrate changes from the master branch to the live branch at least once a month