Data Register Reference H1 AC1 - StealthChesnut/HA-FoxESS-Modbus GitHub Wiki

Data Register Reference Registers with a name ending in ? are guesses at what the data in the register is. These are inconclusive. If you know any further registers please submit them to be added!

Address locations are in different orders for RS485 and LAN connections.

RS485 LAN Name data_type scale unit device class Description Validated with Foxess values
11000 31000 PV1-Voltage int16 0.1 V Y
11001 31001 PV1-Current int16 0.1 A Y
11002 31002 PV1-Power int16 kW Y
11003 31003 PV2-Voltage int16 0.1 V Y
11004 31004 PV2-Current int16 0.1 A Y
11005 31005 PV2-Power int16 kW Y
11006 31020 InvBatVolt int16 0.1 V battery Matched in FoxCloud Y
11007 31021 InvBatPower int16 0.01 kW battery Matched in FoxCloud Y
11008 31022 Battery-Discharge-Power int16 0.001 kW Power +/- values as the battery charges or discharges Y
11009 31006 RVolt int16 0.1 V power Incoming Main Grid Connection Voltage Y
11011 Inverter-Output?
11013 Battery-Discharge?
11014 31009 RFreq int16 0.01 Hz power Incoming Main Grid Frequency Y
11018 31018 Ambient Temp?
11019 31019 Inverter Temp?
11021 CT1 / Grid_CT int16 kW power Normally Grid Consumption / Grid FeedIn Y
11022 CT2 int16 kW power e.g. second solar inverter Y
11023 31016 Load-Power int16 kW power
11024 InvTemperation int16 0.1 °C Temperature of Inverter cooling fins - Matched in FoxCloud Y
11025 AmbientTemperature int16 0.1 °C Inverter CPU Temp - matched in FoxCloud Y
11026 - 11032 static data? These don't seem to change
11027 31027 State ?
11028 31028 Inverter Mode?
11029 31029 CT Meter Type?
11034 31020 BatVolt int16 0.1 V battery Matched in FoxCloud Y
11035 Temp int16 0.1 °C Temperature of something, appears to be an offset as I see single digit positive and negative results
11036 31024 Battery-SoC int16 % battery Y
11038 Battery-Temperature int16 0.1 °C battery Y
11039 - 11040 static data? These don't seem to change

Address Bank 10000 (RS485) and 30000 (LAN)
10000-10007 / 30000-30007 - Model name in hex - 72,49,45,53,46,48,45,69 - H1-5.0-E
30008-30015 - all set to 32

RS485 LAN Name data_type scale unit device class Description Validated with Foxess values
41001 `` Time Period 1 Enabled ? ? Battery Charging Period 1 Enabled Y
41002 `` Time Period 1 Start ? ? Battery Charging Period 1 Start Time Y
41003 `` Time Period 1 End ? ? Battery Charging Period 1 End Time Y
41004 `` Time Period 2 Enabled ? ? Battery Charging Period 2 Enabled Y
41005 `` Time Period 2 Start ? ? Battery Charging Period 2 Start Time Y
41006 `` Time Period 2 End ? ? Battery Charging Period 2 End Time Y
41009 `` Min SoC int8? % battery Battery Minimum State of Charge Y
41011 `` Min SoC (OnGrid) int8? % battery Battery Minimum State of Charge (On Grid) Y

Address Bank 44000 (RS485)
44000 - 44095 - Various 16bit int data, appears to be static