2 Exporting data - StatisticalReinforcementLearningLab/HeartstepsV1Code GitHub Wiki

Application data are exported either manually through a web browser interface or via the export scripts in this repository. Data recorded by hand, such as message tags and intake/exit interviews, are exported manually by saving the corresponding file in CSV format. For this task, be sure to set your Excel locale to US English.

Jawbone and Google Fit

Download using the browser interface at http://jitai-api.appspot.com. Server errors tend to occur when downloading large files, so the data should be downloaded month by month.


Ensure your system has M+Box mounted and the following software installed.

From the command line, navigate to the heartstepsdata/exporter folder in your local copy of this repository. Run the export script specific to your system. When prompted, enter the HeartSteps GAE account credentials.