1 Mounting box - StatisticalReinforcementLearningLab/HeartstepsV1Code GitHub Wiki

Connect to M+Box via WebDAV using the following steps. This allows you to access your M+Box folders as though they were part of your local filesystem.

  1. From your M+Box account settings, set up an external password. You will use this password and your primary M+Box email address (also found in settings) as the credentials to mount M+Box content.
  2. Follow the system-specific instructions below.


  • Go to Finder, Go, Connect to Server.
  • Enter the server address https://dav.box.com/dav.
  • Click Connect. Select Connect as Registered User.
  • Enter you M+Box primary email address (under Name) and your M+Box external password.

The mount point for your M+Box account's root folder should be /Volumes/dav.


  • Access the Map Network Drive menu, using the instructions for your Windows version.
    • Windows 8+: Open File Explorer, from either the Start Menu (Windows 10) or the Taskbar. Click This PC (this will likely be listed in Frequent Folders, but if not, find it in the sidebar). Click Map Network Drive in the ribbon at the top of the window. If you do not see this, click the Computer tab next to the blue File button.
    • Windows 7: Click Start, then Computer. Click Map network drive near the top of the window.
  • From the Drive dropdown menu, choose Z:\.
  • In Folder, enter https://dav.box.com/dav.
  • Check the Connect using different credentials box, then click Finish.
  • Enter your M+Box primary email address (under user name) and external M+Box password. Click OK.

You may need to close and reopen File Explorer for the new drive to appear.

In the event that you need to access M+Box from both standard and elevated profiles in Windows, see this link. (Note: This requires editing the registry. Incorrectly editing the registry may severely damage your system or make your system unsafe. Do so at your own risk.)


  • Install the WebDAV client davfs2 and create a mount point called mbox in your home directory with the following terminal commands. Here USER should be replaced with your own system login name.
sudo sed -ir 's/^# use_locks(.+)1$/# use_locks\10/g' /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf
sudo dpkg-reconfigure davfs2     # select <Yes>
sudo usermod -a -G davfs2 USER
mkdir ~/mbox
echo "https://dav.box.com/dav /home/USER/mbox davfs rw,user,noauto 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
chmod 600 /home/USER/.davfs2/secrets
  • Logout and log back in.
  • M+Box can now be mounted with the command mount ~/mbox and unmounted with umount ~/mbox. When prompted, enter the credentials you set up in step 1.
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