Calculation Methods - Startappz/prayer_times GitHub Wiki
There are several calculation methods that ships with this gem. Those methods are added in the CalculationMethods class.
Available methods
To add check the available methods at any time:
Adding new method
The available methods covers most of the planet methods. However, adding a new method is an easy task, for example:
PrayerTimes.calculation_methods.add("Test", "Testing method", fajr: 16.5, asr: 'Hanafi', isha: '80 min')
new_method = PrayerTimes.calculation_methods["Test"]
Editing a method
# After adding the 'Test' method, from the above example
new_method = PrayerTimes.calculation_methods["Test"]
new_method.description = "new description"
new_method.settings = {fajr: 19.5, isha: '33 min'}
Deleting a method
# After adding the 'Test' method, from the above example
new_method = PrayerTimes.calculation_methods["Test"]