02 Preview - StartZeroGnu/gem-themes GitHub Wiki


Before preview


  • _sass/minima.scss to _sass/my-theme.scss
  • _sass/minima/ folder to _sass/my-theme/


  • _sass/my-theme.scss to change "@import partials" to my-theme/base etc...
  • example/css/main.scss to change "@import" to my-theme and erase all "Sass variables"
  • Rakefile to change "task preview options theme" "minima" to "my-theme" (line 40)
  • example/_config.yml to change
    • url: "exmple.com" to url: "" (local config)
    • theme: minima to theme: my-theme
  • my-theme.gemspec to complete with data gem
    • spec.version (Semantic Versioning)
    • spec.summary
    • spec.homepage if ( GitHub.repo == false) { valid url }
  • example/Gemfile to change gem "minima" to gem "my-theme"

and then execute

~/my-theme $ bundle

~/my-theme $ bundle exec rake preview

# http://localhost:4000

NOTE: $ bundle exec rake preview runs task preview from Rakefile

Rakefile (Script with task similar to jekyll serve --source --destination using example, _layouts, _sass and _includes to build site)