01 Scaffold - StartZeroGnu/gem-themes GitHub Wiki


Create a empty repo on GitHub with the same name as theme (e.g. my-theme) optional

Execute jekyll new-theme to create a new theme with the same name as remote repo and enter to folder

~ $ jekyll new-theme my-theme && cd my-theme

~/my-theme $

If ( GitHub.repo == true ) { sync local folder with remote repo } else { only commit changes }

~/my-theme $ git add --all

~/my-theme $ git commit -m "first commit"

~/my-theme $ git remote add origin [email protected]:USER/REPO.git

~/my-theme $ git push -u origin master

Edit my-theme.gemspec and

  • replace "homepage" with valid url (e.g. hello.com)
  • erase TODO: to "summary"

NOTE: These changes are temporary, they are only required to run bundle

spec.summary       = %q{Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.}

spec.homepage      = "https://hello.com"

Execute bundle to install development dependencies

~/my-theme $ bundle

Execute jekyll new to create a new Jekyll project named "example" and enter to project folder

Important!!! named "example" ( later you can change, but for now... )

~/my-theme $ jekyll new example && cd example

~/my-theme/example $

Remove .gitignore inside "example" folder

~/my-theme/example $ rm .gitignore

Find the source files of "minima" and leave the "example" folder

~/my-theme/example $ bundle show minima && cd ..

# returns path
# in my case
# /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/minima-1.2.0/

~/my-theme $

Copy _includes, _layouts and _sass from "minima"

Important!!! Dont forget the dot, the dot is part of the command

~/my-theme $ cp -r /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/minima-1.2.0/_includes .

~/my-theme $ cp -r /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/minima-1.2.0/_layouts .

~/my-theme $ cp -r /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/minima-1.2.0/_sass .

I used the "minima.gemspec" file of "minimal theme" as an example for the next step.

Edit my-theme.gemspec and

  • Add spec.metada ( line 13 )
  • Replace spec.files ( lines 15-17 )
spec.metadata["plugin_type"] = "theme"

spec.files         = `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").select do |f|

NOTE: spec.files Files and folders to be packaged in the gem

I used the ".gitignore" file of "minimal theme" as an example for the next step.

Add to .gitignore

  • example/_site
  • .sass-cache
  • *.gem

I used the "Rakefile" file of "minimal theme" as an example for the next step.

Download "minima" zip file from GitHub

~/my-theme $ wget https://github.com/jekyll/minima/archive/master.zip

Extract zip file and copy rakefile

Important!!! Dont forget the dot, the dot is part of the command

~/my-theme $ unzip master.zip

# unzip creates minima-master/

~/my-theme $ cp minima-master/Rakefile .

Delete minima-master/ and master.zip

~/my-theme $ rm -r master.zip

~/my-theme $ rm -r minima-master