Helpful Modules - StarWarsFoundryVTT/StarWarsFFG GitHub Wiki
FFG Star Wars Enhancements
FFG Star Wars Enhancements was built specifically for this system and includes features such as an intro crawl creator, shop generator, and attack animations. Check out the Wiki for more info!
Combat Utility Belt
Combat Utility Belt allows you to add custom token status effects and is highly recommended.
To add additional effects:
- Activate the module
- Select
Condition Lab
from the Game Settings tab of Foundry - Select
and add images as desired - Save
Note that this leaves the default effects. If you wish to remove them, you can!
- Select
from the Game Settings tab of Foundry - Select
Enhanced Conditions
from the resulting CUB menu - Check
Remove Default Status Effects
- Save
Check out the effects page for the asset pack some of us use!
Dice So Nice!
Dice So Nice! provides a 3d simulation when dice are rolled.
Parallaxia allows amazing visuals if you have the time to make it so.
PDFoundry allows viewing PDFs in various areas.
Permission Viewer
Permission Viewer allows you to, at a glance, know which entities are visible to whom.
Pings permits ...pinging. Surprising this isn't in the base system, but this module fills that hole.
Playlist Importer
Playlist Importer is a wonderful module which permits you to import massive quantities of audio and creates playlists. A must-have for anyone with an existing audio collection, it's really only needed once.
Pool Party
Pool Party allows the GM to share dice pools with players in order to have a collaborative building of the pool.
Status Icon Counters
Status Icon Counters allows dynamically including numbers in token status effects for e.g. stimpack usage.
Token Action HUD
Token Action HUD adds quick links to rolling on skills, weapon attacks, and force powers for the selected token to the screen.