Guides EN - StarWarsFoundryVTT/StarWarsFFG GitHub Wiki
Installation Guide
System Usage
Character Creation
Importing from Oggdude's character builder
Upload your dataset from Oggdude's to: /FoundryVTT/Data. Make sure it is a zip file, the kind you get when you export your data.
Click Game Settings in the upper right (looks like 3 gears) and select Configure Settings. Click the System Settings tab.
Click Oggdude Dataset Importer.
From the drop down select your dataset and click Load file.
Check what you want to import - I check everything. Then click Start Import.
Watch the progress bars get to 100%. Specializations will take several minutes. Then check your Compendiums tab to see the data imported.
Dice display codes
Ability: [AB]
Advantage: [AD]
Boost: [BO]
Challenge: [CH]
Dark: [DA]
Despair: [DE]
Difficulty: [DI]
Forcepoint: [FP]
Failure: [FA]
Force: [FO]
Light: [LI]
Proficiency: [PR]
Setback: [SE]
Success: [SU]
Threat: [TH]
Triumph: [TR]