Creating custom skill lists - StarWarsFoundryVTT/StarWarsFFG GitHub Wiki
Note: See the FAQ for how to import custom skill sets.
The skill list schema is a simple JSON file that defines a new skill set. The file should include an id and at least one skill under a skills property. Please note the skill name should not include special characters (as in the example below POWERWALKING
) and is not what gets displayed on the character sheet.
The label
property IS what is displayed on the character sheet (be aware that long names are not suggested, for display, best to keep it below 25 character)
The abrev
property is primarily used for display on the weapon list for auto weapon rolling.
The characteristic
property is the primary characteristic this skill uses, available options are:
- Brawn
- Agility
- Intellect
- Cunning
- Willpower
- Presence
The type
property defines where to place the skill. You can enter any types here, but common ones are:
- General
- Combat
- Knowledge
- Social
- Magic
The rank
property should always be defined with the value 0
The groupskill
property should always be defined with the value false
The careerskill
property should always be defined with the value false
The max
property should always be defined with the value, this is the max value players can increase the skill to. It is recommended that the value following the rules should be 6
(NOTE GMs always have the ability to increase the value above this max);=
The custom
property should always be true
"id": "my new skill set",
"skills": {
"PowerWalking": {
"rank": 0,
"characteristic": "Brawn",
"groupskill": false,
"careerskill": false,
"type": "General",
"max": 6,
"label": "Power Walking",
"abrev": "PW",
"custom": true
"HopOnOneFoot": {
"rank": 0,
"characteristic": "Agility",
"groupskill": false,
"careerskill": false,
"type": "Combat",
"max": 6,
"label": "Hop On One Foot",
"abrev": "HOOF",
"custom": true