Selection Sort - StarShipTutor/StarshipTutorAPCS GitHub Wiki
See also
Assume an array of N items X[0] ... X[N - 1]
Scan the array from X[0] to X[N - 1] using index i If the current item X[i] < X[0] then swap X[i] and X[0] Making X[0] the smallest item found so far After all N items have been scanned X[0] is the smallest item in the array
Now start with X[1] and repeat At the end of that scan X[0] is the smallest and X[1] is the second smallest At the end of N - 1 scans the array is sorted
int[] X;
int i, j, indexOfSmallestX;
for ( i = 0; i < X.length; i++ )
indexOfSmallestX = i;
for ( j = i + 1; j < X.length; j++ )
if (X[j] < X[indexOfSmallest] )
indexOfSmallestX = j;
} // End for ( j )
temp = X[i];
X[i] = X[indexOfSmallest];
X[indexOfSmallest] = temp;
} // End for ( i )
Java Code
public void selectionSort ()
for (int sortedIndex = 0; sortedIndex < this.size(); sortedIndex++)
int tempValue;
int unsortedIndex;
int minIndex = sortedIndex; // Starting point for unsorted list
for ( unsortedIndex = sortedIndex; unsortedIndex < this.size(); unsortedIndex++)
if (( int ) this.get( unsortedIndex ) < ( int ) this.get( minIndex ))
minIndex = unsortedIndex; // log location of nextGuess as new smallest value
} // End For ( unsortedIndex )
if (( int ) this.get( minIndex ) < ( int ) this.get(sortedIndex)) // If smallest value is smaller than the initial guess
tempValue = ( int ) this.get ( minIndex );
this.set(minIndex, this.get(sortedIndex)); // Swap new smallest value into place
this.set(sortedIndex, tempValue);
} // End for ( sortedIndex )
} // selectionSort