Insertion Sort - StarShipTutor/StarshipTutorAPCS GitHub Wiki
See also
Assume an array of N items theArray[0] ... theArray[N - 1]
Divide theArray[] into a lower sorted part and an upper unsorted part delimited by :
sortedSubarray[] = theArray[0] ... theArray[largestSortedIndex]
unsortedSubarray[] = theArray[largestSortedIndex + 1] ... theArray[N - 1]
Goal : Insert theArray[largestSortedIndex + 1] into sortedSubarray[]
Scan sortedSubarray[] to find insertLocationIndex
tempValue = theArray[largestSortedIndex + 1];
Move elements from theArray[insertLocationIndex] to theArray[largestSortedIndex] up one
theArray[insertLocationIndex] = tempValue;
At the end of N - 1 scans the array is sorted
// Variables for Data Values
int[] theArray;
int tempValue;
// Variables for Array indexes
int largestSortedIndex, insertLocationIndex;
for (
largestSortedIndex = 0;
largestSortedIndex < theArray.length;
largestSortedIndex ++
// scan sorted subarray for insertion location of tempValue
tempValue = theArray[largestSortedIndex + 1]; // requires more than one element
for (
insertLocationIndex = 0;
insertLocationIndex < largestSortedIndex;
if ( theArray[insertLocationIndex] >= tempValue )
break; // insertLocationIndex set, exit loop
} // End for ( insertLocationIndex )
// Shuffle up array values to make room for insertion of tempValue
for ( int i = largestSortedIndex; i > insertLocationIndex; i--)
theArray[i + 1] = theArray[i];
if ( insertLocationIndex < largestSortedIndex ) // if == do nothing
theArray[insertLocationIndex] = tempValue; // Do the insertion
} // End for ( largestSortedIndex )
Java Code
public void insertionSort ()
// System.out.println ( "\nin insertionSort" );
for (int sortedIndex = 0; sortedIndex < this.size() - 1; sortedIndex++)
int nextInsertValue, nextInsertIndex;
int scanIndex, insertIndex;
insertIndex = nextInsertIndex = sortedIndex + 1;
nextInsertValue = ( int ) this.get( nextInsertIndex ); // New value to insert
for ( scanIndex = 0; scanIndex <= sortedIndex; scanIndex++)
if ( nextInsertValue < ( int ) this.get( scanIndex ))
break; // scanIndex is left at the insert location
} // End For ( scanIndex )
// Now move up and insert at insertIndex
if (scanIndex < nextInsertIndex )
for ( int i = nextInsertIndex; i > scanIndex; i-- )
this.set ( i, this.get ( i - 1)); // Move up elements
this.set (scanIndex, nextInsertValue );
} // End for ( sortedIndex )
} // End insertionSort ()