Double - StarShipTutor/StarshipTutorAPCS GitHub Wiki
double :Primitive Data Type - Double
- Contains - IEEE 754 Floating Point Number
- Default - 0.0
- Size - 64
- Range ~ 1E-324 to 1E308
Wrapper Class - Double
The wrapper class Double is used to crate an object out of a double.
There are many useful static and instance methods. Here are a few
double x, y;
Double aDouble, anotherDouble, pi;
int theResult;
theResult = ( x, y ); // Static Method
theResult = aDouble.compareTo ( anotherDouble ); // Instance Method
// Static Methods
String piString = "3.1415926";
pi = Double.parseDouble ( piString ); // returns a double with value piString
aDouble = Double.valueOf ( piString ); // returns a Double object with value piString
anotherDouble = Double.valueOf ( pi ); // returns a Double object with value pi
// and Instance Methods
double theValue;
boolean theAnswer;
theValue = aDouble.doubleValue (); // double value of Double object
theAnswer = aDouble.isInfinite (); // true if value is infinite
theAnswer = aDouble.isNAN (); // true if value is Not A Number
String aString = aDouble.toString (); // String of the Double value
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