Array - StarShipTutor/StarshipTutorAPCS GitHub Wiki

Array :

Variable Declaration and Initialization

// Inline

int[] data = { 1, 2, 3};

// or

   int[] data;
   data = new int[] { 1, 2, 3};

// or 

   int[] data;
   data = new int[3];
   data[0] = 1;
   data[1] = 2;
   data[2] = 3;

// length is a predefined parameter

   int theArrayLength = data.length;

// Arrays are Iterable

   int[] data = { 1, 2, 3};
   for (int arrayValue : data)
      System.out.println ( arrayValue );

Some Useful Static Methods

import java.util.Arrays;

boolean Arrays.equals   ( anArray, anotherArray );   // numerically
boolean  ( anArray, anotherArray );   // lexicographically
int[]   Arrays.copyOf   ( int[] anArray, newLength); // copy with pad or truncate
String  Arrays.toString ( anArray );

// Search and Sort

int index = Arrays.binarySearch​ ( int[] anArray, int key);  // search
            Arrays.sort​         ( int[] anArray );          // sort ascending

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